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The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Human Speech

The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Human Speech


Artificial Intelligence is a buzz word in tech because it has unlimited potential to transform the human experience. It’s especially relevant in 2020, as the keyword dominates Google searches and news outlets, including Forbes’ list of technology trends.

What is Artificial Intelligence?
AI is a segment of computer science that focuses on emulating human attributes. It’s the things we take for granted as human beings: listening and comprehension, sight, movement/ grabbing/ manipulation and reasoning with the world.

How Do Artificial Intelligence & LumenVox Intersect?
LumenVox offers artificial intelligence business solutions in two main ways:

The original LumenVox speech recognition software utilized Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to decipher speech from the sound waves recorded. Hidden Markov models are simplified probability models that work very well in guessing what words are when heard. For example, if the first sound heard is likely to be “Duh” then, in English, it is very unlikely that the next sound will be an “Ess.” But it is very possible that the next sound will be, perhaps, “Oh” as in the word “Doughnut.” Overlaying the sounds, with the probability model of English that speech scientists developed, has produced a very good quality speech recognizer. But in recent years Hidden Markov Models have been replaced by Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Deep Neural Networks are still probability models; however, they do not contain explicit knowledge of the likelihood of sounds or words in close proximity. Instead, Deep Neural Networks are brute-force models that emerge from “deep” analysis of very large data sets. They record connections for which we may have no explanation. From millions of examples of speech, they extract more complex, irregular, and idiosyncratic statistical rules about sounds, as actually spoken by people, than would be practical to represent in a Hidden Markov Model. LumenVox now utilizes Deep Neural Networks in our passive engine to provide state of the art results in speaker verification and recognition.

Voice Biometrics, aka Voiceprints, make a judgement on whether someone really is who he/she claims to be. With voice biometrics an initial voiceprint is created, in a secure manner, that validates the person’s identity. In future verification attempts, the person’s voice is compared to the original voiceprint. Voice Biometrics are a useful form of AI because they can replace human judgment, prevent human error and be hyperalert to threats with a highly accurate algorithm.

How Can Artificial Intelligence Protect You?
If a fraudster calls a business and claims to be Joe Smith, the agent might ask him a few questions to verify his identity. If the putative Joe is an experienced scammer, he may have researched these questions and prepared answers. Using a voiceprint, however, removes this risk since it is nearly impossible to fake a human voice effectively. Instead of allowing the fraud actor access, the intelligence of the machine exceeds the intelligence of a human agent and fraud is detected.

LumenVox’ aim is to safeguard both businesses and customers using artificial intelligence and the human voice, to take two complexities and make an interaction that is simple yet secure.

Contact us today to learn more.

Related Resources

Automatic Speech Recognizer
Automatic Speech Recognition
There are two types of automatic speech recognition: Grammar ASR and Transcription ASR. This post explains the difference and which type of speech recognition is best for each use case.

Ready to create an extraordinary voice experience for your customers?​