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Announcing LumenVox Version 17.0.200

Announcing LumenVox Version 17.0.200


LumenVox is excited to announce the release of LumenVox Version 17.0.200. In this release, we have:

  • Added support for a new short-utterance transcription (Natural Language) functionality to process audio with a maximum length of approximately 30 seconds.
  • Added a new Out of Service configuration option for the ASR (Automated Speech Recognizer) service, allowing system administrators to enter maintenance mode from the Dashboard, which permits currently pending requests to be completed, but any new requests will be rejected (to be potentially handled by other ASR servers in the cluster).
  • Added a new feature to the ASR load-balancing mechanism to actively route ASR requests based on the language specified.

Useful for situations where you do not want to be constrained by a specific grammar, or challenged by implementing a more complex and costly Statistical Language Model, the LumenVox Short-Utterance Transcription functionality utilizes a built-in, general Statistical Language Model that has been tuned for everyday use to provide a text representation of supplied audio.

Supporting LumenVox’ commitment to making speech applications more secure and easier to administer, additional enhancements were made to our diagnostic tools and dashboard, including more robust grammar handling within the LumenVox Speech Tuner.

For a comprehensive list of improvements and features released with LumenVox Version 17.0.200, please click here.

If you’d like to watch a previously recorded webinar about the release, including participant Q&A, please click here.

Related Resources

Speech Recognition
When it comes to implementing ASR technology, one of the problems faced by small and medium-sized businesses is cost from inflexible plans.

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