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Taking Advantage of Conversational AI to Deliver Meaningful Customer Experiences

Taking advantage of Conversational AI to deliver meaningful customer experiences


Enterprises across every industry vertical are investing in conversational AI. Contact centers have the unique distinction of being at the intersection of people, processes, and technologies in every enterprise. As such, contact centers need conversational AI now, more than ever. These conversational AI applications and solutions can be catered to various needs depending on what purpose your contact center serves.

For example, it could be used to help with lead generation, and overall marketing efforts or it could be to cater to your customer service needs. You can also deploy these AI-based technology tools to help your sales teams upsell and cross-sell. Here are some of the top five reasons why call centers around the world have to invest in conversational AI.

Contact centers need conversational AI to deliver powerful customer experiences

1. Deliver personalized conversations at scale

In today’s world, customers expect more personalized customer conversations, and conversational AI can help deliver that at scale. Regardless of a customer moving from a messenger app to a live chat to social channels, the conversational AI-based tool can help personalize the experience, follow the customer across channels and even understand context and history to offer a truly seamless customer service experience.

2. Support call volume spikes

Customer service departments are under tremendous pressure to deliver results with a finite number of resources. This is where conversational AI plays a pivotal role. It is possible to deploy AI chatbots and voice assistants to help take care of call spikes and resolve customer queries.

With conversational AI, you can categorize calls based on a customer’s voice, past interactions, and context. Thus, a good volume of calls can be routed to an intelligent virtual assistant and help reduce contact center agents’ workload. This way, the contact center agents can concentrate on what they do best – provide great customer experiences.

3. Provide 24/7 customer support

Your customers want service when and how it is convenient for them, therefore no customer support is complete without the inclusion of conversational AI and tools. Self-service options are no longer nice-to-have but critical to your customer service success. Chatbots and virtual assistants are an integral part of a brand’s customer engagement strategy to deliver on the self-service customer promise. Thanks to conversational AI understanding the intricacies of human speech, natural language, and emotions, it is possible to deploy these AI-based systems to improve customer service and support experiences across the board. The best part is it can scale seamlessly without any issue, pick up where the human left, bring in context and maturity with more social interaction.

4. The power of a persistent customer conversations

With too much competition all around and customers getting picky, it is tough to attract your target audience’s attention. But with conversational AI you can train your chatbots and virtual assistants to help not only in customer service, but also in your marketing and sales efforts. Conversational AI can connect with the audience at a deeper level thanks to advanced technologies like understanding customers’ real intent, gauging their emotions, and hidden expectations. Models trained to handle various nuances of human nature can be a better way of persuading customers to sign-up for your webinar or download a white paper or even buy a product or service from you. All these efforts help drive your marketing and sales teams forward.

5. Deliver on the customer promise

Brands that fail to deliver on the requisite customer experience and customer engagement are bound to fail regardless of having a world-class product and approachable pricing. Therefore, conversational AI platforms can help to deliver on this promise of an excellent customer experience. This means your customer engagement and support channels can remain open 24/7 and your customers don’t have to wait in a queue for a live agent. They can connect with the brand through multiple channels and still expect a seamless customer experience. All this adds to delivering on the customer service promise that you have made to your customers.

If you want to maintain a persistent conversation throughout the customer lifecycle, you need a new strategy for managing your communication interfaces and their supporting resources. 

Contact us to learn how LumenVox can help you scale your contact center with conversational AI.

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Ready to create an extraordinary voice experience for your customers?​