Rss Categories


11 Synthesizer CONTROL

The CONTROL method from the client to the server tells a synthesizer that is speaking to modify what it is speaking on the fly. This method is used to request the synthesizer to jump forward or backward in what it is speaking, change speaker rate, speaker…

12 Synthesizer DEFINE-LEXICON

The DEFINE-LEXICON method, from the client to the server, provides a lexicon and tells the server to load or unload the lexicon. Note that LumenVox does not currently support this synthesis method.

13 Synthesizer GET-PARAMS

The GET-PARAMS synthesizer method is used by the the client to request the current session parameters from the server. Many of the parameters in the GET-PARAMS method can also be used in another method like the SPEAK method. If the server accepts these parameters,…

14 Synthesizer PAUSE

The PAUSE method from the client to the server tells the synthesizer resource to pause speech output if it is speaking something. If a PAUSE method is issued on a session when a SPEAK is not active, the server will respond with a status-code of 402 "Method…

15 Synthesizer RESUME

The RESUME method from the client to the server tells a paused synthesizer resource to resume speaking. If a RESUME request is issued on a session with no active SPEAK request, the server will respond with a status-code of 402 "Method not valid in this state".…

16 Synthesizer SET-PARAMS

The SET-PARAMS synthesizer method, form the client to the server, tells the synthesizer resource to set and modify synthesizer context parameters like speech language. Many of the parameters in the SET-PARAMS method can also be used in another method like…

17 Synthesizer SPEAK

The SPEAK method from the client to the server provides the synthesizer resource with the speech text and initiates speech synthesis and streaming. The SPEAK method can carry voice and prosody header fields that define the behavior of the voice being synthesized,…

18 Synthesizer STOP

The STOP method from the client to the server tells the resource to stop speaking if it is speaking something. The STOP request can be sent with an active-request-id-list header field to stop the zero or more specific SPEAK requests that may be in queue and…