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1 LVSemanticData C API Summary

A LVSemanticData object is the result of the semantic interpretation process. A user's spoken input is combined with a grammar containing semantic tag instructions to create a compound object. A LVSemanticData object can be one of the types specified in the…

2 LVSemanticData_CreateFromCopy

Copies the contents of another handle into a new handle and returns the new handle. This function allocates memory for the new handle, so the user is required to release the new handle with LVSemanticData_Release Function H_SI_DATA LVSemanticData_CreateFromCopy(H_SI_DATA…

3 LVSemanticData_GetBool

Returns an integer value contained in a given handle. A non-zero integer value represents a true value, and a zero value represents a false value. This function assumes that the semantic data handle being passed in is of type SI_TYPE_BOOL. If the user passes…

4 LVSemanticData_GetDouble

Returns a double precision floating point value contained in the given semantic data handle. This function assumes that the handle is of type SI_TYPE_DOUBLE. If the user passes in a handle with non SI_TYPE_DOUBLE type, this function always returns 0.0. Function…

5 LVSemanticData_GetInt

Returns the integer value contained in a given semantic data handle. This function assumes that the handle is of type SI_TYPE_INT. If the user passes in a handle with non SI_TYPE_INT type, this function always returns 0. Function int LVSemanticData_GetInt(H_SI_DATA…

6 LVSemanticData_GetString

Returns the string contained in a given handle. This function assumes that the handle is of type SI_TYPE_STRING. If the user passes in a handle with non SI_TYPE_STRING type, this function always returns NULL. Function const char* LVSemanticData_GetString(H_SI_DATA…

7 LVSemanticData_GetType

Returns the underlying data type of a given H_SI_DATA handle. Function int LVSemanticData_GetType(H_SI_DATA h_si_data) Parameters h_si_data Semantic data handle. Return Values A Semantic Data Type See Also LVSemanticData C API Summary Semantic Data Type LVSemanticData::Type…

8 LVSemanticData_Print

Returns a string describing the contents of a semantic data handle. The function can return XML or ECMAScript formatted text. Function const char* LVSemanticData_Print(H_SI_DATA h_si_data, int format) Parameters h_si_data Semantic data handle. format The…

9 LVSemanticData_Release

Release memory used by a H_SI_DATA handle. Function void LVSemanticData_Release(H_SI_DATA h_si_data) Parameters h_si_data Semantic data handle. Return Values None. See Also LVSemanticData C API Summary LVSemanticData::~LVSemanticData (C++ API)