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Grammar Editor

1 Grammar Editor Reference

The Grammar Editor screen is used to build new grammars and lexicons or troubleshoot existing ones. The Grammar Editor tab is divided into 3 frames that will be referred to as : Grammar Editor Frame Main frame in the middle Output Frame Frame on bottom left…

2 Phonetic Speller

The phonetic speller utility can be used to show the pronunciation of words when using the LumenVox ASR. The Phonetic Speller, can be opened by selecting it from the Tools menu in the Grammar Editor screen. Using the Phonetic Speller How words are interpreted…

3 Pronunciation Checker

The Pronunciation Checker displays the list of words in a selected grammar and indicates how the ASR determines the pronunciation of the word. This can be used to find words which may benefit from custom lexicon entries in order to help with recognition issues.…

4 Random Sentence Generator

The Random Sentence Generator is a feature of the Grammar Editor that makes it easy to check grammar coverage. This means you can use the tool to see what sorts of words and phrases are allowed by your grammar and their corresponding semantic interpretations.…