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Verifying Services Are Running

Reference Number: AA-01768 Views: 15788 0 Rating/ Voters

When troubleshooting LumenVox software, an early step is to ensure that each LumenVox process is running. A typical LumenVox installation consists of one or more of the following components:

  • LumenVox License Server
    • Used for hosting licenses.
  • LumenVox Media Server
    • Used by any voice platform that supports MRCP.
    • Not needed for platforms or applications that make exclusive use of the LumenVox API.
  • LumenVox Automatic Speech Recognizer
    • Used for speech recognition.
  • LumenVox Text to Speech Server
    • Provides core TTS functionality.
  • LumenVox Manager
  • Call Indexer

Depending on your installation needs you will have some selection of the above processes. If any of your basic functionality tests are failing, a good starting point is to check to ensure everything that is running which needs to be.


Running Dashboard Diagnostics is now the recommended method of verifying LumenVox services are running, along with a number of additional functional and configuration checks. The methods described in this article are still valid, but are more of a manual process compared to the automated testing performed by Dashboard Diagnostics.

Confirming Running Processes


On Linux, all LumenVox processes get corresponding scripts in /etc/init.d/ that can be used with the service command (located in /sbin/) to verify that they are running. The scripts are as follows:

  • lvlicensed
  • lvmediaserverd
  • lvsred
  • lvttsd
  • lvmanagerd
  • lvcallindexerd
You can issue the service scriptname status command to see if any of these services are running, e.g. to check on the Media Server, execute:

[root@lumenvox3 ~]# service lvmediaserverd status
lv_media_server (pid 21075) is running...

You can also use service scriptname restart, start, or stop to start and stop any of the services.

Without using the scripts, you run ps and look for all processes that begin with lv to see what is running, e.g.:

[root@lumenvox3 ~]# ps -e | grep lv
21075 ?      00:13:49 lv_media_server
21163 ?      01:08:02 lv_manager
21484 ?      00:00:18 lv_license_serv
21870 ?      00:01:46 lv_sre_server
28511 ?      00:05:38 lv_tts_server


On Windows, all LumenVox services are installed into the Services Control Panel:

If a service says "Started" next to its name, that indicates it is running. You can also use the Task Manager and look for processes whose names start with LV:

Next Steps

If everything is running and you are still having trouble, the next logical step in the troubleshooting process is to begin to read LumenVox log files to better understand what might be causing the failure.