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Understanding LumenVox Logs

Reference Number: AA-01755 Views: 14562 0 Rating/ Voters

The LumenVox log files follow a fairly standardized system. This page describes how to enable logs and how to read them.

Logging Verbosity

Note that before you begin reading logs, it is a good idea to make sure that logging verbosity is turned to its maximum value (3). Depending on what problem you are solving it may need to be turned on in multiple places — good starting points are the client_property.conf, license_server.confsre_server.conf, and tts_server.conf configuration files. You must restart any application for configuration file changes to take effect, so if you increase logging verbosity, be sure and restart the Media Server, ASR Server, or TTS Server.

In general, the logging verbosity works as follows:

  • Verbosity 1 logs only errors or critical issues, plus some very basic other routine messages.
    • The only kinds of routine messages that are logged in verbosity 1 are things like basic startup information (e.g. "The service was restarted at this time").
    • Errors are cases where there was some kind of bad value set in the configuration file, or something internally happened that was unexpected or otherwise unwanted. For instance, a problem allocating memory might be an error.
    • Critical issues mean that functionality was severely impacted. Critical issues might be a fatal exception or an error that was also very important. We reserve the critical classification for the most severe issues.
  • Verbosity 2 logs everything from verbosity 1, plus general operational information, such as routine functional messages.
  • Verbosity 3 logs everything from verbosity 1 and 2, plus extra debugging and information.

Log Message Types

The LumenVox software uses 4-character codes at the start of a log message to indicate the type of message it is. Examples of valid message types include:

  • INFO indicates an informational message.
  • SEND/RECV indicate information that was sent or received across the network.
  • CRIT indicates a critical issue.
  • ERRO indicates an error.
  • DEBG indicates a debug message.
Note that there is not necessarily a direct correlation between the message type and its verbosity. For instance, INFO messages are generally suppressed at verbosity level 1, but some (such as basic startup messages) may be included.

Log Message Format

The LumenVox logs generally follow a standard structure, with each piece of data separated by a comma:

  • A date/time stamp (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.MS format)
  • The message type (using the 4-letter codes from above)
  • The section of code or internal routine that is generating the log message
  • The actual log message
Here is a line from the client_asr.txt log with each section highlighted a different color to make them easier to see:

12/17/2012 11:59:22.281,INFO,SpeechPortClien,Stream Started in Voice Activity Detection Mode

From this message, we know it was written on Dec. 17, 2012 at 11:59:22 (and 281 milliseconds). It is an INFO type message that was generated by the Speech Port Client and it is informing us that the client has started listening to audio in voice activity detection mode.

Once you understand how the logs are structured, it is time to read the logs.