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Reference Number: AA-01667 Views: 12161 0 Rating/ Voters

The BARGE-IN-OCCURRED method is a mechanism for the client to communicate a barge-in-able event it detects to the speech resource.

This event is useful in two scenarios,

  1. The client has detected some events like DTMF digits or other barge-in-able events and wants to communicate that to the synthesizer.
  2. The recognizer resource and the synthesizer resource are in different servers.  In which case the client MUST act as a Proxy and receive event from the recognition resource, and then send a BARGE-IN-OCCURRED method to the synthesizer.  In such cases, the BARGE-IN-OCCURRED method would also have a proxy-sync-id header field received from the resource generating the original event.

If a SPEAK request is active with kill-on-barge-in enabled, and the BARGE-IN-OCCURRED event is received, the synthesizer should stop streaming out audio.  It should also terminate any speech requests queued behind the current active one, irrespective of whether they have barge-in enabled or not.  If a barge-in-able prompt was playing and it was terminated, the response will contain the request-ids of all SPEAK requests that were terminated in its active-request-id-list.  There will be no SPEAK-COMPLETE events generated for these requests.

If the synthesizer and the recognizer are on the same server, they could be optimized for a quicker kill-on-barge-in response by having them interact directly based on a common RTSP session-id.  In these cases, the client will still proxy the recognition event through a BARGE-IN-OCCURRED method, but the synthesizer resource may have already stopped and sent a SPEAK-COMPLETE event with a barge-in completion cause code.  If there were no SPEAK requests terminated as a result of the BARGE-IN-OCCURRED method, the response would still be a 200 success, but will not contain an active-request-id-list header field..


   C->S:  SPEAK 543258 MRCP/1.0

          <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <sentence>You have 4 new messages.</sentence>
            <sentence>The first is from <say-as
            type="name">Stephanie Williams</say-as>
            and arrived at <break/>
            <say-as type="time">3:45pm</say-as>.</sentence>
            <sentence>The subject is <prosody
            rate="0.8">ski trip</prosody></sentence>

   S->C:  MRCP/1.0 543258 200 IN-PROGRESS

   C->S:  BARGE-IN-OCCURRED 543259 200 MRCP/1.0

   S->C:  MRCP/1.0 543259 200 COMPLETE


   C->S: MRCP/2.0 ... SPEAK 543258

         <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <speak version="1.0"
             <s>You have 4 new messages.</s>
             <s>The first is from Stephanie Williams and arrived at
                <say-as interpret-as="vxml:time">0342p</say-as>.</s>
             <s>The subject is
                <prosody rate="0.8">ski trip</prosody></s>

   S->C: MRCP/2.0 ... 543258 200 IN-PROGRESS

   C->S: MRCP/2.0 ... BARGE-IN-OCCURRED 543259

   S->C: MRCP/2.0 ... 543259 200 COMPLETE