Recognizer GET-RESULT
Reference Number: AA-01656 Views: 8406 |
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The GET-RESULT method from the client to the server can be issued when the recognizer is in the recognized state. This request allows the client to retrieve results for a completed recognition (in NLSML format). This is useful if the client decides it wants more information. When the media server receives this request, it will re-compute and return the results according to the recognition constraints provided in the GET-RESULT request. The GET-RESULT request could specify constraints like a different confidence-threshold.
MRCPV1 GET-RESULT Example:C->S: GET-RESULT 543257 MRCP/1.0 Confidence-Threshold:90
S->C: MRCP/1.0 543257 200 COMPLETE Content-Type:application/x-nlsml Content-Length:276
<?xml version="1.0"?> <result grammar="session:request1@form-level.store"> <interpretation> <instance name="Person"> <Person> <Name>Andre Roy</Name> </Person> </instance> <input>may I speak to Andre Roy</input> </interpretation> </result>
MRCPV2 GET-RESULT Example:C->S: MRCP/2.0 ... GET-RESULT 543257 Channel-Identifier:32AECB23433801@speechrecog Confidence-Threshold:0.9
S->C: MRCP/2.0 ... 543257 200 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier:32AECB23433801@speechrecog Content-Type:application/nlsml+xml Content-Length:...
<?xml version="1.0"?> <result grammar="session:request1@form-level.store"> <interpretation> <instance name="Person"> <ex:Person> <ex:Name>Andre Roy</ex:Name> </ex:Person> </instance> <input>may I speak to Andre Roy</input> </interpretation> </result>