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E-mail Alerts

Reference Number: AA-01498 Views: 9529 0 Rating/ Voters

As of version 9.5.100, the LumenVox products support a standardized method of generating e-mail alerts in the event of a critical error. As of 9.5.100, the only product logging out these sorts of errors is the License Server (other products may log critical errors in the future). An example of a critical error is if the server runs out of licenses.

The actual e-mailing is handled by a program called emailer.exe on Windows and a script called emailer on Linux. On Windows, emailer.exe needs to be in the directory defined by %LVBIN%, which defaults to C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine. The Linux emailer script must be placed in /etc/lumenvox/

In order to configure the e-mail settings, you will modify the [GLOBAL] section of the lumenvox_settings.conf file. The following settings need to be provided:

  • EMAIL_SERVER: The IP address of the SMTP server to use.
  • EMAIL_SERVER_USERNAME: A username for the mail server. (The default LumenVox e-mail application does not use this setting).
  • EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD: A password for the mail server. (The default LumenVox e-mail application does not use this setting).
  • EMAIL_SENDER: The "From" address for the e-mail.
  • EMAIL_RECIPIENTS: The "To" addresses. Multiple addresses should be separated with a semicolon (the ; character).

If all of the settings are left blank (the default), then the e-mailer application will not be executed.

Replacing the E-mailer

The e-mailing system was designed to make it simple for you to use your own e-mail application, should you wish. This allows you to, for instance, use SMTP authentication or other methods that are not currently supported by the LumenVox e-mailer.

The e-mailer application is invoked by LumenVox as a simple command line application, and a number of arguments are passed into it: <EMAIL_SERVER> <EMAIL_USERNAME> <EMAIL_PASSWORD> <EMAIL_SENDER> <EMAIL_RECIPIENTS> <PRODUCT_NAME> -l "error text"

The first several arguments all come from the configuration settings. This will be followed by the name of the LumenVox product, then -l and then the text of the error within quotes. If a value is not present in the configuration file, it will be represented by an empty parameter. So a sample executation might be:

emailer.exe "" "" "License Server" -l "Insufficient licenses"