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Reference Number: AA-01495 Views: 12568 0 Rating/ Voters

%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Lumenvox\lumenvox_settings.conf (on Windows) and /etc/lumenvox/lumenvox_settings.conf (on Linux) are the global LumenVox configuration file.
See Configuration Files for more information about other configuration files.

On both Windows and Linux, it contains information for use with the e-mail functionality. This is all it currently controls on Windows.

On Linux, it specifies where LumenVox software will look for various files. It consists of several sections, one for each of the various LumenVox Linux products. 


The [GLOBAL] section contains settings that are common for all LumenVox software.


Description: specifies the directory where every LumenVox product will look for its application-specific configuration file.

The e-mail functionality settings are also specified in this section.

Default: /etc/lumenvox




This section controls where the client package will look for and store various files.


Description: specifies the LumenVox language directory. This is the main directory where things like built-in grammars will be stored.

Default: /etc/lumenvox/Lang


Description: specifies where the client will write its logs.

Default: /var/log/lumenvox/client


Description: specifies where the client will write response files. These are the .callsre files used by the LumenVox Speech Tuner.

Default: /var/lumenvox/responses


This section controls where the ASR server will look for and store various files. 


Description: specifies the LumenVox language directory. This is the main directory where things like language models will be available.

Default: /etc/lumenvox/Lang


Description: specifies where the ASR Server will write its logs.

Default: /var/log/lumenvox/sre


Description: specifies where the server will cache grammars.

Default: /var/lumenvox/grammar_cache




The LICENSE section controls where the LumenVox License Server will look for and store various files. 


Description: specifies where the license server will write its logs.

Default: /var/log/lumenvox/license




The MSVR section controls where the LumenVox MediaServer will look for and store various files. 


Description: specifies where the Media Server will write its logs.

Default: /var/log/lumenvox/mediaserver



This section controls where the TTS Server will look for and store various files. 


Description: specifies the LumenVox language directory. This is the main directory where things like voice packs will be available.

Default: /etc/lumenvox/Lang


Description: specifies where the TTS Server will write its logs.

Default: /var/log/lumenvox/ttsserver