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Before You Begin Asterisk/LumenVox Installation

Reference Number: AA-01124 Views: 39975 0 Rating/ Voters


Please read this document carefully, especially if you have limited experience with Linux. Installation requires the use of the command line interface, and if you mistype any command your installation will be not be complete.

Also note that Linux is case sensitive as well, so be sure to confirm that you type capital and lower case letters correctly.

The LumenVox Speech Engine for Asterisk is supported on recent versions of the following Linux distributions:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • CentOS (through our Red Hat builds)

Our policy is to support the latest two major releases of RHEL/CentOS. Please note that we are moving toward only supporting 64-bit operating systems, so if you wish to use the latest RHEL/CentOS you will need to install the 64-bit version.

It is important that your machine is up-to-date and includes the latest libraries. The machine must have an active network card and IP address.

If you are using a prebuilt Asterisk installation, such as trixbox or elastix, the normal instructions should work for you. However you may require additional configuration after installation that is not covered by these instructions. Unfortunately, documenting the various distributions and modifications of Asterisk is beyond the scope of this help guide. Some of these distributions use old versions of Asterisk which means they may not be able to use LumenVox. Please contact LumenVox support for more details.

We support speech recognition and text-to-speech on Asterisk through the Asterisk-UniMRCP modules. We have tested the following versions of Asterisk and the Asterisk-UniMRCP modules:

Asterisk VersionAsterisk-UniMRCP ReleasesLumenVox Version 
 1.8 1.0.0 (r1944) and 1.1.0 (r1996) 11.1.100
 10 1.0.0 (r1944) and 1.1.0 (r1996)  11.3.100
 11 1.0.0 (r1944) and 1.1.0 (r1996)  11.3.100 
 11.2 1.0.0 (r1944) and 1.1.0 (r1996)  12.1.300
 11.2 1.0.0 (r1944) and 1.1.0 (r1996) 13.0.100
 11.11 1.3.0 13.0.400
 12.8 1.3.0 13.0.400
 13.4 1.3.0  13.0.400
 13.4 1.3.0  13.1.100
 13.4 1.3.0  14.0.100
 13.4 1.3.0  14.1.100
 13.4 1.3.0  14.2.100
 Certified Asterisk 13-LTS 13.8 1.3.0  14.1.100
 Certified Asterisk 13-LTS 13.8 1.3.0  14.2.100
 Certified Asterisk 13-LTS 13.8 1.3.1  14.2.100
 Certified Asterisk 13-LTS 13.8 1.4.0  14.2.100
 Asterisk 13-LTS 13.10.0 1.3.0  14.2.100
 Asterisk 13-LTS 13.10.0 1.3.1  14.2.100
 Asterisk 13-LTS 13.10.0 1.4.0  14.2.100
 Asterisk 13-LTS 13.10.0 1.4.0  15.0.400
 Asterisk 13-LTS 13.10.0 1.4.0  15.1.200
 Asterisk 16-LTS 16.5.1 1.6.0  17.0.600
 Asterisk 16-LTS 16.13.0 1.7.0  18.0.450


Please note that there is a known bug in Asterisk v16 with the res_speech_unimrcp module that caused the error shown below:

[Feb 6 10:48:35] ERROR[17692][C-00000021] astobj2.c: FRACK!, Failed assertion bad magic number 0x0 for object 0x31990d8 (0). 

This bug only affects the res_speech_unimrcp module (Generic Speech API of Asterisk). The app_unimrcp module (Suite of UniMRCP Applications) is not affected by this bug.

Getting Started

Working with LumenVox on Asterisk is easy:

  1. Please follow the standard Linux installation instructions to install LumenVox if you have not already. Be sure to install the LumenVox Media Server, the ASR and/or TTS Servers, and any voice/language packs you need. These may be installed on the same machine as Asterisk or on a different machine.
  2. Install and configure the Asterisk-UniMRCP modules.
  3. Verify LumenVox functionality.
  4. Run some sample dialplan applications to test ASR and TTS.
  5. Begin developing your own applications.

If you prefer, we also have a guide that walks through the entire process of installing Asterisk 13 + UniMRCP 1.3.0 and LumenVox 13.1 which may be particularly useful if this is your first time installing these components together. See our Configuring Asterisk 13 article for the steps, and a reference to the accompanying video series.

Need Help?

If you need help with installation and configuration, please see the Configuring LumenVox With a Voice Platform area of our Developer Forums.

You can also find sample code for Asterisk when you're ready to start building speech applications.