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LVSemanticData C++ API Summary

Reference Number: AA-00925 Views: 8337 0 Rating/ Voters

LVSemanticData is the C++ class presenting semantic data. Think of an LVSemanticData object as a container containing one of the following items:

  • An integer
  • A floating point number
  • A composite object
  • An array
Return Value Function Description
  LVSemanticData ( ) Constructor
  LVSemanticData (const LVSemanticData& other) Copy constructor.
  LVSemanticData (H_SI_DATA hsi) Copy constructor.
LVSemanticData & operator = (const LVSemanticData& other) Assignment operator
  ~LVSemanticdata ( ) Destructor
int Type ( ) Returns the semantic data type contained in this object.
bool GetBool ( ) If the data in this object  is of  type SI_TYPE_BOOL, returns the boolean value.
int GetInt ( ) If the data in this object is of type SI_TYPE_INT, returns the integer value
double GetDouble ( ) If the data in this object is of type SI_TYPE_DOUBLE, returns the floating point value.
const char* GetString ( ) If the data in this object is of type SI_TYPE_STRING, returns the string value.
const LVSemanticObject& GetSemanticObject ( ) If the data in this object is of type SI_TYPE_OBJECT, returns the semantic object value.
const LVSemanticArray& GetSemanticArray ( ) If the data in this object is of type SI_TYPE_ARRAY, returns the semantic array value.

See Also