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Reference Number: AA-00654 Views: 15004 0 Rating/ Voters

The LumenVox Manager has a configuration file named manager.conf that contains various parameter settings that are described below.

The following parameters are parameter settings that can be applied to the LumenVox Manager. They can be controlled via the manager.conf file, located in the config directory of the Windows LumenVox installation folder. By default, this location is C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine\config\.

In Linux, edit the manager.conf file in /etc/lumenvox/.


This section contains global configuration settings for the LumenVox Manager

Added in 14.1.100


Controls the verbosity of event logging. This can be used to increase or decrease the amount of log events that are generated. Note that increasing logging verbosity uses more CPU, and should therefore be avoided wherever possible in production systems where optimal performance is critical. 

Possible Values:

  1. Minimal logging - Logs only errors and critical issues.
  2. Medium logging - Logs all non-debug information as events occur
  3. Maximum logging - Logs all types of events. This will include any and all informational and debugging activity

Default: 1 (minimal logging)


Describes the interval in milliseconds between internal scan cycles. It is recommended that you do not adjust this without discussing with LumenVox Support

Default: 1000


Defines whether username/password authentication is required for a LumenVox Dashboard to communicate with the LumenVox Manager.  This is importance since the Manager has the ability to stop and start services, which some users may wish to restrict.

Clearly if users do not want any external control over their system through the manager, then disabling the LumenVox Manager service is advised.

Possible Values:

  • 0 = No authentication required
  • 1 = Username/Password required

Default: 0


When authentication mode is enabled, this value is required to remotely access the Manager.

This value must match the settings assigned to this machine in the LumenVox Dashboard

Default: LVAdmin


When authentication mode is enabled, this value is required to remotely access the Manager.

This value must match the settings assigned to this machine in the LumenVox Dashboard

Default: LVPassword


The port used by the HTTP web administration Dashboard.

NOTE: A 's' suffix (such as 8080s) indicates SSL/HTTPS, which is strongly recommended

Default: 8080s


Enables HTTP access logging to file.

Possible Values:

  • 0 = Disabled
  • 1 = Enabled

Default: 0


Specifies an optional access control list (ACL). ACL is a comma separated list of IP subnets, each subnet is prepended by '-' or '+' sign. Plus means allow, minus means deny. If subnet mask is omitted, like '-', then it means single IP address. Masks may vary from 0 to 32 inclusive. Default setting is to allow all



Specifies the SSL certificate (*.pem) file to use. By default a dummy certificate will be used. If specified, this should be the full path to a certificate (*.pem) file that should be used.


Note: see our Resolving Dashboard Certificate Issues article that describes how to correctly configure and install these SSL certificates.

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the SSL Protocol to use. By default the TLSv1.2 protocol will be used, however this can be changed to TLSv1.1 or TLSv1 if preferred. Please exercise caution if changing this.

Possible Values:

  • TLSv1.2
  • TLSv1.1
  • TLSv1.0

Default: TLSv1.2

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the optional Cipher List to use. By default the list of ciphers used during SSL negotiation will be determined using the default openssl settings, however advanced users may choose to override this and supply their own list here.



Specifies an optional comma delimited list of process names for which to monitor resources. The default value or an empty string monitors all LumenVox processes. A value of "none" can be used to disable all process monitoring. A single wildcard (*) is also accepted in the process name, e.g. "LV*" or "*server"

Default:  (this default will monitor all running LumenVox processes)


Specifies the frequency of snapshots taken for resource logging, in seconds.

Default: 60


Specifies the maximum age of log files (excluding resource logs), in days, before they are automatically removed from disk. Note that in version 14.1 and later, the manager will automatically skip over and not attempt to delete any log files located that are marked as read-only.

This must be an integer between 0 and 30 (days)

A value of 0 will disable log file cleanup.

Default: 0 (never removed)


Specifies the maximum age of resource log files, in days, before they are automatically removed from disk.

This must be an integer between 0 and 30 (days)

A value of 0 will disable resource file cleanup

Default: 30

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the maximum age of Response (.callsre) files, in days, before they are automatically removed from disk

This must be an integer between 0 and 100 (days)

A value of 0 will disable Response file cleanup

Default: 0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the maximum age of grammar cache files, in days, before they are automatically removed from disk. Note that enabling this will remove any cached client and ASR grammars that have remained unused for the specified amount of time. This may be particularly useful for users that have a number of dynamically generated grammars that may only be used a small number of times.

This must be an integer between 0 and 100 (days)

A value of 0 will disable cache file cleanup

Default: 0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the maximum response time in milliseconds before a DNS lookup is shown as a warning when performing diagnostic tests. Any DNS responses that take more than this amount of time will be shown as a warning in the diagnostic report.

This must be an integer between 0 and 5000 milliseconds

Default: 500  (milliseconds)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the KPI logging interval in minutes. See the KPI logging article for more details on this functionality.

This must be an integer between 0 and 1440 (minutes)

A value of 0 will disable KPI logging.

Default: 0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the root folder to use when storing KPI data  See the KPI logging article for more details on this functionality.

This must be a valid folder in the local file system.

If no value is specified (the default) the LVLOGS folder will be used.


Added in 15.0.100


When enabled(1), KPI data will be stored in a folder location below the KPI_ROOT_FOLDER based on the current date and time.

When disabled(0), KPI data will be in KPI_ROOT_FOLDER.

Default:  0

Added in 15.0.100


Defines a Node-ID string to be recorded in the KPI logs that can be used to identify this system.

Typically this would be set to a unique string value so that the files can be identified as having come from this specific system.

Default: LumenVox

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the maximum age of KPI (.csv/.hdr) files, in days, before they are automatically removed from disk.

This must be an integer between 0 and 90 (days)

A value of 0 will disable KPI file cleanup

Default: 30

Added in 15.0.100


When enabled(1), KPI data will use the longer time/date format in generated files. When disabled(0), a shorter numeric format will be used.

Possible Values:

  • 0 = short format (e.g. 201608211322)
  • 1 = long format (e.g. 08/21/2016 13:22:18)

Default: 1  (long format)

Added in 15.0.100


When enabled(1), KPI header will be the first line of generated KPI .csv files. When disabled(0), a separate .hdr file for the header will be used.

Possible Values:

  • Disabled (0) = a separate .hdr file for the header will be produced.
  • Enabled (1) = KPI header will be the first line of generated KPI .csv files.

Default: 1  (enabled - header will be included in KPI .csv files)


This section contains configuration settings for use with the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) functionality

Added in 15.0.100


Defines the port number that will be used by the LumenVox Manager SNMP agent to process SNMP requests.

Typical values for this port setting:

  • 161      (SNMP)
  • 10161 (Secure SNMP).

Any valid port number may also be used.

A value of 0 will disable all SNMP functionality.

Default:  0  (SNMP disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


A list of SNMP Trap Servers that are to receive SNMP trap (alert) notifications.

This should be a semicolon separated list of server IP addresses. All listed servers will be sent trap messages when they are sent.

A value of empty-string will disable SNMP trap messages


Added in 15.0.100


The port number used when sending SNMP trap messages to TRAP_SERVERS.

Note that by default, trap messages will use SNMPv2c protocol, however using the TRAP_PROTOCOL setting, you can change this to SNMPv1 or SNMPv3, if needed. Additionally, when using SNMPv3 (secure) mode, this often uses the 10162 port number.

Default:  162

Added in 15.0.100


A custom string that can be used to identify the node that is sending SNMP Trap notifications.

This will be contained as part of each Trap notification

Default:  LumenVox

Added in 15.0.100


Similar to NODE_ID, this is an optional string that may be used to identify the system/network that is sending Trap notifications.

This will be contained as part of each Trap notification message.

Default:  LUMENVOX

Added in 15.0.100


The number of seconds between SNMP Heartbeat Trap messages that are sent out to TRAP_SERVERS.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 1440 (seconds)

A value of 0 will disable the Heartbeat Trap mechanism.

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


When enabled(1) communication errors between LumenVox services will be reported as Trap notifications to the specified SNMP TRAP_SERVERS when link failures are detected and also when they are restored (CLEAR Trap).

Possible Values:

  • 0 = Disabled (Traps won't be sent)
  • 1 = Enabled  (Trap alerts will be sent)

Default:  1  (enabled)

Added in 15.0.100


When enabled(1) licensing errors detected on the LumenVox Media Server will be reported as Trap notifications to the specified SNMP TRAP_SERVERS when license failures are detected and also when they are restored (CLEAR Trap).

Possible Values:

  • 0 = Disabled (Traps won't be sent)
  • 1 = Enabled  (Trap alerts will be sent)

Default:  1  (enabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the percentage of system CPU use before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with MINOR severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 100 (percent)

A value of - will disable this Trap.

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the percentage of system CPU use before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with MAJOR severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 100 (percent)

A value of - will disable this Trap.

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the percentage of system CPU use before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with CRIT severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 100 (percent)

A value of - will disable this Trap.

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the percentage of system memory use before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with MINOR severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 100 (percent)

A value of - will disable this Trap.

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the percentage of system memory use before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with MAJOR severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 100 (percent)

A value of - will disable this Trap.

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the percentage of system memory use before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with CRIT severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 100 (percent)

A value of - will disable this Trap.

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the minimum GB of free disk space before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with MINOR severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 10000000 (GB)

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the minimum GB of free disk space before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with MAJOR severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 10000000 (GB)

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.0.100


Specifies the minimum GB of free disk space before an SNMP Trap notification is issued with CRIT severity.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 10000000 (GB)

Default:  0  (disabled)

Added in 15.1.100


Determines which SNMP protocol will be used when sending trap notifications.

Possible Values:

  • 1 = SNMPv1
  • 2 = SNMPv2c
  • 3 = SNMPv3 (secure)

When 3 is selected, you will also need to specify a valid V3_TRAP_PROFILE to use.

Default:  2

Added in 15.0.100


Defines the COMMUNITY string used for SNMP access by the manager, often called the Public string.

This is also used when sending Trap notifications.

Default:  public

Added in 15.1.100


This Security profile will be used when SNMPv3 traps are sent .

You should ensure this matches a valid USM profile.


Added in 15.1.100


Context Engine ID string used as unique identifier for this system as part of an SNMPv3 exchange. When left as a blank-string, an auto-generated EngineID will be used.

When specified, this string should be no more than 24 characters.


Added in 15.1.100


Optional CONTEXT string used for SNMPv3 validation.



This section contains configuration settings for use with the License Server


Describes the network port the Manager uses to communicate with the LumenVox License Server on the local machine. This must coincide with the port assigned in the License Server's configuration settings.

Default: 7569

Added in 14.1.100


Enables monitoring of the License Server service.

  • 0 = Disabled (service will not be monitored)
  • 1 = Enabled (service will be monitored)

Default: 1 (service will be monitored)


This section contains configuration settings for use with the Speech Engine


Describes the network port the Manager uses to communicate with the LumenVox SRE Server on the local machine. This must coincide with the port assigned in the SRE Server's configuration settings.

Default: 5730

Added in 14.1.100


Enables monitoring of the ASR (SRE) Server service.

  • 0 = Disabled (service will not be monitored)
  • 1 = Enabled (service will be monitored)

Default: 1 (service will be monitored)


This section contains configuration settings for use with the TTS Server


Describes the network port the Manager uses to communicate with the LumenVox TTS Server on the local machine. This must coincide with the port assigned in the TTS Server's configuration settings.

Default: 7579

Added in 14.1.100


Enables monitoring of the TTS Server service.

  • 0 = Disabled (service will not be monitored)
  • 1 = Enabled (service will be monitored)

Default: 1 (service will be monitored)


This section contains configuration settings for use with the Media Server


Describes the network port the Manager uses to communicate with the LumenVox Media Server on the local machine. This must coincide with the port assigned in the Media Server's configuration settings.

Default: 7590

Added in 14.1.100


Enables monitoring of the Media Server service.

  • 0 = Disabled (service will not be monitored)
  • 1 = Enabled (service will be monitored)

Default: 1 (service will be monitored)


This section contains configuration settings for use with the Call Indexer


Describes the network port the Manager uses to communicate with the LumenVox Call Indexer on the local machine. This must coincide with the port assigned in the Call Indexer's configuration settings.

Default: 7595
Added in 14.1.100


Enables monitoring of the Call Indexer service.

  • 0 = Disabled (service will not be monitored)
  • 1 = Enabled (service will be monitored)

Default: 0 (service will not be monitored)