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Licensing Authentication

Reference Number: AA-00639 Views: 14201 0 Rating/ Voters

 Deprecated: Licensing Authentication

As of the summer of 2016, the Legacy LumenVox Subscription Licensing system was replaced with the significantly improved Flexible Licensing model. All users of the legacy subscription system were contacted and migrated over to the new system prior to its decommission.

This documentation will be deleted in due course, but will remain available for informational purposes until then. All of the content on this page is no longer valid. Please refer to the Flexible Licensing documentation instead.

The LumenVox License Server (and associated license client) can be configured to run in an authentication mode. By default, authentication mode is disabled.

When the License Server is in authentication mode, it will only provide licenses to clients that provide a username and password. To enable authentication, you must create a license_authentication.conf file in which you specify a list of usernames and passwords, along with a type and quantity of licenses to which that user is entitled.

There is a corresponding setting in the client configuration file that simply takes a username and password. This is the username and password that any speech applications using the client files on that machine will supply. If you do not specify the AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME and AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD values in the [AUTHENTICATION] section of the client_property.conf file, the client will not use authentication.

For more information on configuring your Speech Client for authentication, click here.

If either the client or the server is in authentication mode, they will not be able to communicate with other servers or clients that are not in authentication mode, so it is important to ensure you have all the machines in a given cluster set to either use authentication or not.

As a quick summary, in order to enable authentication perform the following steps:

  1. If serving licenses, create a license_authentication.conf file in the directory with the License Server configuration file.
  2. Set any users, passwords, and quantities in the license_authentication.conf file.
  3. If running an application that retrieves licenses, edit the client_property.conf file to add an [AUTHENTICATION] section.
  4. Create AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME and AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD entries in the [AUTHENTICATION] section and set them equal to your username and password.
  5. Restart the License Server and the client application.


It is important to note that when the License Server is running in Authentication Mode, you will not be able to add additional licenses to it.

If you need to add a new deployment to the License Server, disable Authentication Mode by following these steps:

  1. Rename the license_authentication.conf file (so that it is not read on startup of the License Server).
  2. Restart the License Server (disabling Authentication Mode)
  3. You can now add the new license(s).
  4. Then, revert the license_authentication.conf file's name.
  5. Finally, restart the License Server one last time, re-enabling Authentication Mode.