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Installing CPA

Reference Number: AA-02273 Views: 11694 0 Rating/ Voters

As CPA is a module of the LumenVox ASR, there is no individual CPA installation package to download. Instead, users must install the normal set of packages required by a LumenVox ASR installation (please see the Windows Installation or Linux Installation articles for more details). 

Windows Installation 

The following packages should be installed for a standard LumenVox CPA install on Windows: 

  • Engine
  • License Server (if using on premise licenses; not required for those who use subscription licenses)
  • Tools (optional but recommended as it includes the LumenVox Dashboard web management interface) 
  • Tuner (optional but recommended) 

Linux Installation

The following packages should be installed for a standard LumenVox CPA install on Linux: 

  • LumenVoxCore
  • LumenVoxClient
  • LumenVoxSRE
  • LumenVoxMediaServer (required if your voice platform uses MRCP; not required for API integrations) 
  • LumenVoxLicenseServer (if using on premise licenses; not required for those who use subscription licenses) 


If you plan to use Text to Speech along with ASR/CPA, you must also install the appropriate software for a TTS installation. Please see the Windows Installation or Linux Installation articles for more details. 

Licensing CPA 

CPA requires separate licenses from the LumenVox ASR. Each license allows one simultaneous channel or instance of CPA. CPA licenses may be installed, uninstalled, and managed exactly the same as all other LumenVox licenses. 

See our Flexible Licensing Overview article for more information. 

Configuring CPA 

Once CPA is installed and licensed, there are a few configuration changes that must be made to the default LumenVox installation: 

  1. The file client_property.conf must be edited to set the DELAYED_LICENSE_ACQUISITION parameter to a value of 1 (its default value is default). 
    • On Windows, this file exists in C:\Program Files\LumenVox\Engine\Config\ 
    • On Linux, this file exists in /etc/lumenvox/ 
  2. If you are using CPA licenses without ASR licenses, you must also change the value of LICENSE_TYPE in client_property to CPA (its default value is Auto).
You should also read our Customizing CPA and Tone Detection article for more in-depth information about customizing your CPA configuration.


You must restart the LumenVox Media Server after making these changes if you are using an MRCP-enabled voice platform. If you are using an application that has an API integration with LumenVox, you must restart the voice platform (the service or application loading the Speech Port library).