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Running lv_show_config

Reference Number: AA-01635 Views: 18409 0 Rating/ Voters

LumenVox provides a very useful application called the lv_show_config to get you quickly started using the Media Server and to act as a sanity check that everything is working as expected after the installation.

Note that the utility is called lv_show_config for Linux installations and LVShowConfig.exe for Windows installations. Usage is similar for both.

Version 12.1
The lv_show_config was enhanced in LumenVox version 12.1 to include support for AMD and CPA tests. 
Versions 11.0 and 11.1
The lv_show_config was enhanced in LumenVox version 11.0 to include support for MRCP tests. Also more configuration settings were included.   As of LumenVox version 11.1, support for SIP over TCP was added, consistent with changes to the Media Server to support this protocol

This utility is installed with the LumenVox Engine Installer (Windows) in the installed directory (by default C:\Program Files\LumenVox\Engine\ ) and with the LumenVoxClient RPM (Linux).

The LVShowConfig utility can display configuration settings, record these to file for later analysis and also perform License, ASR, TTS and MRCP interactions to verify different aspects of installed components are working as expected.  This utility can be helpful in determining whether any connectivity problems exist between any of these modules, whether configuration of one or more modules may be incorrect, and whether licensing is correctly set up to enable various operations. If you encounter problems when running the LVShowConfig utility, you can save your results to file, then when communicating with LumenVox Support Staff, this information can help speed up problem diagnosis time. 

The usage for LVShowConfig is: LVShowConfig <options>

Checks config values and tests LumenVox products for connectivity issues. Sending LumenVox Support this log file along with the rest of your LumenVox logs enables them to more easily debug any connectivity issues you might have.


 -a                           Display all LumenVox products' config settings and Runs
                                all sanity tests

 -all_config                  Display all LumenVox products' config settings

 -all_test                    Run all basic sanity tests

 -asr_test                    Check LumenVox ASR Engine with a simple decode

 -amd_test                    Switch License or MRCP tests to run using AMD Data

 -cpa_test                    Switch License or MRCP tests to run using CPA Data

 -license_test                Check LumenVox License Server connectivity

 -manager_test                Check LumenVox Manager connectivity

 -mrcp_test                   Check LumenVox Media Server with a simple decode and TTS

 -tts_test                    Check LumenVox TTS Server with a simple synthesis

 -h                           Prints this help message

 -o <output_file>             Writes output to the specified file. If no output file is
                                specified, results are printed to screen

 -v, -version <version>       Displays version information

 -asr_lang <?>                Specifies the language (i.e. en-US) to use when performing
                              ASR tests. Note that this option was added to version 14.1

 -tts_lang <?>                Specifies the language (i.e. en-US) to use when performing
                              TTS tests. Note that this option was added to version 14.1



* Show Configuration Example *

LVShowConfig -a

Prints all config values and results of all sanity tests to screen

* Save Configuration To File Example *

LVShowConfig -a -o OutputLog.txt

Writes all config values and results of all sanity tests to OutputLog.txt

* TTS Check *

LVShowConfig -tts_test

This will perform a simple TTS synthesis, exercising the licensing and TTS
configuration of the system

* ASR Check *

LVShowConfig -asr_test

This will perform a simple ASR decode, exercising the licensing and ASR
configuration of the system

Display Configuration

When displaying configuration (either to screen or to file), you can see the current system configuration settings for LumenVox products. From this, you can easily see if anything is misconfigured.

Sample use on Windows: C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -all_config

Sample use on Linux:     [root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -all_config

Sample output (Windows):

SRE server settings loaded from 
c:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine\config\sre_server.conf
 +- VERSION                      : 11.0.300
 +- NUM_DECODE_THREADS           : 4
 +- LOGGING_VERBOSITY            : 1
 +- SRE_PORTNUM                  : 5730
 +- ENABLE_CACHE                 : 1
 +- CACHE_EXPIRATION             : 1440
 +- CACHE_MAX_NUMBER             : 1000
 +- CACHE_MAX_MEMORY             : 268435456
 +- FRAME_TRACK_MODE             : 2
 +- LOW_MEMORY_THRESHOLD         : 250
 +- LOAD_LOW_RES_MODEL           : 1
 +- LOAD_HIGH_RES_MODEL          : 0
 +- UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE_VALUE       : default
SpeechPort client property settings loaded from 
c:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine\client_property.conf
 +- LICENSE_SERVERS              :
 +- VERSION                      : 11.0.300
 +- LOGGING_VERBOSITY            : 1
 +- LICENSE_CACHE_PERIOD         : 30
 +- SAVE_SOUND_FILES             : 1
 +- SRE_SERVERS                  :
 +- LICENSE_TYPE                 : AUTO
 +- MAX_NBEST_RETURNED           : 1
 +- DECODE_TIMEOUT               : 20000
 +- LOAD_GRAMMAR_TIMEOUT         : 200000
 +- PARSE_GRAMMAR_TIMEOUT        : default
 +- TRIM_SILENCE_VALUE           : 970
 +- CLIENT_CACHE_ENABLE          : 1
 +- CLIENT_CACHE_MAX_MEMORY      : 268435456
 +- TTS_SERVERS                  :
 +- SYNTHESIS_LANGUAGE           : en-US
 +- SYNTH_VOICE_GENDER           : female
 +- SYNTH_VOICE_NAME             : 
 +- TTS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT          : 60000
 +- LOG_TTS_EVENTS               : 1
 +- SYNTH_PROSODY_PITCH          : default
 +- SYNTH_PROSODY_RANGE          : default
 +- SYNTH_PROSODY_RATE           : default
 +- SYNTH_PROSODY_VOLUME         : default
 +- SYNTH_VOICE_AGE              : 
 +- SYNTH_VOICE_VARIANT          : 
 +- SYNTH_EMPHASIS_LEVEL         : moderate
 +- BARGE_IN_TIMEOUT             : default
 +- END_OF_SPEECH_TIMEOUT        : default
 +- VAD_BARGEIN_THRESHOLD        : default
 +- VAD_STREAM_INIT_DELAY        : default
 +- VAD_EOS_DELAY                : default
 +- VAD_WIND_BACK                : default
 +- VAD_SNR_SENSITIVITY          : default
 +- VAD_VOLUME_SENSITIVITY       : default
 +- AUTO_DECODE                  : default
 +- SOUND_FORMAT                 : default
 +- VOICE_CHANNEL                : default
 +- CPA_HUMAN_RESIDENCE_TIME     : default
 +- CPA_HUMAN_BUSINESS_TIME      : default
 +- LANGUAGE                     : default
 +- MODE                         : voice
 +- TAG-FORMAT                   : default
 +- BASE_URI                     : default
 +- FETCH-TIMEOUT                : default
No license authentication settings used.
MediaServer settings loaded from 
c:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine\config\media_server.conf
 +- VERSION                      : 11.0.300
 +- enable_sre_logging           : 1
 +- enable_app_stat_logging      : 1
 +- mrcp_server_ip               :
 +- mrcp_server_port_base        : 30000
 +- rtp_server_port_base         : 35000
 +- mrcp_server_resmax           : 150
 +- monitoring_port              : 29900
 +- messaging_port               : 7590
 +- sre_ip                       :
 +- listening_socket_size        : 150
 +- port_allocation_mode         : 0
 +- num_spawning_threads         : 10
 +- num_graveyard_threads        : 10
 +- num_mrcp_event_threads       : 24
 +- num_rtp_event_threads        : 12
 +- sip_port                     : 5060
 +- rtsp_port                    : 554
 +- wind_back_time               : default
 +- barge_in_timeout             : 15000
 +- end_of_speech_timeout        : 20000
 +- vad_stream_init_delay        : 100
 +- vad_bargein_threshold        : 50
 +- compatibility_mode           : 0
 +- save_waveform                : false
 +- waveform_url_location        : 
 +- waveform_url_prefix          : default
 +- remove_waveform_files        : 1
 +- recognizer_resource_url      : default
 +- synthesizer_resource_url     : default
Manager settings loaded from 
c:\Program Files(x86)\Lumenvox\Engine\config\manager.conf
 +- VERSION                      : 11.0.300
 +- ManagerPort                  : default
 +- Interval                     : 1000
 +- ScanPriority                 : 0
 +- EnableAuthentication         : 1
 +- Username                     : Fred
 +- Password                     : Password1
 +- MaintenancePort              : 7569
 +- MaintenancePort              : 5730
 +- MaintenancePort              : 7579
 +- MaintenancePort              : 7590
 +- MaintenancePort              : 50800

ASR Test

When performing a simple decode test, the utility will attempt to open a speech port, acquire a license and perform a decode using a simple builtin grammar and audio file. If this sequence succeeds, then the configuration of the ASR client and server as well as the licensing components are working correctly.

Sample use on Windows: C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -asr_test

Sample use on Linux:        [root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -asr_test

The decode request follows the same pattern that any application would use in order to perform a speech recognition: 

  1. It creates/opens a speech port client (and acquires a license)
  2. It loads a builtin grammar
  3. It activates the grammar
  4. It loads audio from a built-in audio buffer (non-streaming)
  5. It performs a decode
  6. It destroys/closes the speech port client
  7. It prints out the result

Version 14.1
lv_show_config was enhanced in LumenVox version 14.1 to include support for asr_lang and tts_lang, allowing users to specify ASR and TTS languages to use during tests.  Prior versions would default to using en-US as the language when testing.

Sample output:

Testing LumenVox ASR Server
ASR Decode completed successfully

License Test

When performing a license test, the utility will attempt to check the connectivity to the license server. If it is able to connect to the license server, it attempts to obtain any ASR license. The testing of ASR license can be modified to obtain a CPA license or AMD license by appending -amd_test or -cpa_test arguments respectively to -license_test

Sample use on Windows: C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -license_test

Sample use on Linux:        [root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -license_test

The license test follows the internal path used by a LumenVox application to verify licenses while performing a speech recognition: 

  1. It tests connectivity to the license server
  2. If there is a connection issue, it is reported
  3. If connection succeeded, we try to get any ASR license
  4. It prints out the result

Sample output (ASR):

C:\ProgramFiles\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -license_test
Testing LumenVox License Server
License (SLM) acquired successfully

Sample output (CPA):

C:\ProgramFiles\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -license_test -cpa_test
Testing LumenVox License Server
License (CPA) acquired successfully

TTS Test

When performing the simple TTS synthesis, the utility will attempt to open a TTS port, acquire a license and perform a simple builtin synthesis operation. If this sequence succeeds, then the configuration of the TTS client and server as well as the licensing components are working correctly.

Sample use on Windows: C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -tts_test

Sample use on Linux:         [root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -tts_test

The TTS request follows the same pattern that any application would use in order to perform speech synthesis

  1. It creates/opens a TTS port client (and acquires a license)
  2. It sets the desired sound format
  3. It requests synthesis of "Hello World"
  4. It retrieves the length of the synthesized audio
  5. It prints out the results

Version 14.1
lv_show_config was enhanced in LumenVox version 14.1 to include support for asr_lang and tts_lang, allowing users to specify ASR and TTS languages to use during tests.  Prior versions would default to using en-US as the language when testing.

Sample output:

C:\ProgramFiles\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -tts_test
Testing LumenVox TTS Server
TTS Synthesis completed successfully

Testing with non-US English languages:

Our TTS Server is shipped with US English (en-US) as the default language, as specified in the client_property.conf file's SYNTHESIS_LANGUAGE parameter. If you do not have any en-US voice and licenses installed, you must change this setting to match one of your installed languages, preferably one you want the application to default to.


When performing the MRCP Test, the utility will attempt to open a series of sessions to the Media Server using both RTSP and SIP, acquire a license and perform TTS synthesis and ASR recognition in those sessions. If this sequence succeeds, then the configuration of the ASR/TTS Client, Media Server, ASR Server, TTS Server as well as the licensing components are working correctly. The testing of ASR data can be modified to use CPA or AMD data by appending -amd_test or -cpa_test arguments respectively to -mrcp_test

Sample use on Windows: C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -mrcp_test

Sample use on Linux:         [root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -mrcp_test

Each session follows the same pattern that any application would use in order to perform speech synthesis or recognition

  1. It creates/opens an MRCP session to the Media Server (and acquires a ASR or TTS license)
  2. Requests a synthesis/recognition
  3. It verifies the results of the synthesis or recognition
  4. It prints out the results

Version 14.1

lv_show_config was enhanced in LumenVox version 14.1 to include support for asr_lang and tts_lang, allowing users to specify ASR and TTS languages to use during tests.  Prior versions would default to using en-US as the language when testing. This also applies to MRCP related ASR and TTS tests.

Version 14.1 was also modified to skip over testing RTSP or SIP if their corresponding ports are disabled (set to a value of 0), which should be less confusing to users.

Sample output:

[root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -mrcp_test

Testing LumenVox Media Server
Testing MRCP v1 TTS Synthesis
The MRCPv1 TTS Synthesis completed successfully
Testing MRCP v2 TTS Synthesis (SIP/UDP)
The MRCPv2 TTS Synthesis completed successfully
Testing MRCP v2 TTS Synthesis (SIP/TCP)
The MRCPv2 TTS Synthesis completed successfully
Testing MRCP v1 ASR Recognition
The MRCPv1 ASR Recognition completed successfully
Testing MRCP v2 ASR Recognition (SIP/UDP)
The MRCPv2 ASR Recognition completed successfully
Testing MRCP v2 ASR Recognition (SIP/TCP)
The MRCPv2 ASR Recognition completed successfully

Network related warning:

If lv_show_config prints out a warning about localhost being the default network interface, like in the example below: 

[root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -mrcp_test
Testing LumenVox Media Server
WARNING: (i.e. localhost) detected as default network interface
         Some functionality may not work.

you likely need to fix your network setup, as described in Linux Installation.

You will also want to make sure that you have set the media_server.conf file's mrcp_server_ip parameter to the Media Server machine's IP address. This is required for successful MRCP and RTP messaging. 

AMD or CPA Test

The License test or MRCP test can be modified to either test AMD or CPA instead of ASR. This modification is applied by using either th-amd_test or -cpa_test modifier flags as arguments.

Sample use on Windows:

C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -mrcp_test -amd_test
C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -mrcp_test -cpa_test
C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -license_test -amd_test
C:\Program Files\Lumenvox\Engine>LVShowConfig.exe -license_test -cpa_test

Sample use on Linux:

[root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -mrcp_test -amd_test
[root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -mrcp_test -cpa_test
[root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -license_test -amd_test
[root@mynode /usr/bin]#./lv_show_config -license_test -cpa_test