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Installing the Media Server

Reference Number: AA-01550 Views: 13421 0 Rating/ Voters

Downloading and Installing the Windows Media Server

For Windows users, the Media Server is downloaded and installed as part of the Speech Engine package and needs to be run as a service manually.

Downloading the Linux Media Server

Linux users will download the Media Server as its own package. You should follow the same installation instructions for the Media Server as you would have for the Linux Engine Installation.

For installation using RPMs:

  • Make sure that you have set up your repository as per the instructions here.
  • Use the command yum install LumenVoxMediaServer to download and install the package (or follow the linked instructions to manually install the RPM without yum).

For Debian installation, see Debian Installation Instructions.


The Media Server will be configured by default to run as a service, but you may also start it as a console application.