Acquires a required license and initializes a speech port client object for a subsequent speech recognition, answering machine detection, DTMF decode or grammar parse operation. The type of license that would be acquired depends on the value set for PROP_EX_LICENSE_TYPE.
- HPORT LV_SRE_OpenPort(ExportLogMsg log_callback, void* log_callback_user_data, log_verbosity)
HPORT LV_SRE_OpenPort2(unsigned int* error_return_code, ExportLogMsg log_callback, void* log_callback_user_data, int log_verbosity)
An error code indicating why the creation of a speech port client object failed.
Pointer to a function which will receive logging information from the object.
A void pointer to client application-defined data. This data will be passed to the ExportLogMsg function to serve as a context in the callback.
Sets the base verbosity level for log_callback. Range: 0 - 6. All log messages bearing verbosity greater than this value are rejected.
0 - minimal logging info
6 - maximum logging info
Return Values
Port initialized successfully. Returned value is a handle to the speech port client object.
The call failed. The reason for the failure will be available in error_return_code.
Possible values returned with error_return_code
The port opened successfully.
There was an environment/config setting issue. See log for more details.
Failed to acquire the requred license - either no licenses are available or all available licenses are already in use.
The returned handle is used by most other API functions, and when done using it, it must be released by calling LV_SRE_ClosePort to release the acquired license and free up other associated resources.
These functions have been deprecated in favor of LV_SRE_CreateClient and will be removed from future releases.
See Also