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Client Startup Procedure

Reference Number: AA-00613 Views: 12226 0 Rating/ Voters

The LumenVox Engine (both client and server) perform a series of checks when initialized. If these checks fail, it can cause the application to terminate. If your application is crashing at startup, it is likely related to one of these items.

This procedure applies to any application using our LVSpeechPort C or C++ interface. The SRE Server has its own startup procedure.

Note that folder and file verification checks (steps 1 through 4) are only performed for the first OpenPort call and are skipped on any subsequent OpenPort calls. Step 5 is checked on application startup irrespective of opening a port. In version 10.2 and prior errors related to Steps 1 through 4 are written to ClientStartupLog.txt which is located in $LVBIN in windows and LVLOGS in linux. Errors related to step 5 show up in the lumenvox_critical.txt.

  1. Verifies that there is a valid LVLANG directory. On Windows, this is the path contained in the environment variable $LVLANG; on Linux it is the path specified by the value of LANGDIR in lumenvox_settings.conf. (On Windows, if there is an empty file called LumenVox_Product.dub, then LVLANG is set to <the application's runtime directory/Lang>. If any errors are detected, a log message will be added to the API log before returning with an error to the calling application.
  2. Determines the location of the ClientStartupLog.txt that will be generated by the startup check. On Linux, this will be located in the folder determined by the LVLOGS value from lumenvox_settings.conf; on Windows this will be located in the folder specified by the $LVBIN environment variable
  3. Creates the ClientStartupLog.text log file, overwriting any previous contents, allowing only the last startup to be recorded, so that this file does not grow to an unmanageable size.
  4. On Windows only, if the LumenVox_Product.dub file is located in the $LVBIN folder, then a warning is added to the log to indicate that any system variables are being overridden by this.
  5. The application checks to ensure there is a valid LVLANG/VadModels folder and that it contains the following files:
    • Data.vad
    • CosTable.txt
    • SinTable.txt