Rss Categories


31 LVTTSClient::JumpToSSMLMark

Move the buffer offset to the beginning of the specified SSML mark so that the next call to GetSynthesizedAudioBuffer returns samples starting at that offset. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE JumpToSSMLMark(unsigned int ssml_mark_idx) Parameters ssml_mark_idx…

32 LVTTSClient::LVTTSClient (Constructor)

Creates an instance of the LVTTSClient class. Function LVTTSClient(void) Remarks The constructor merely creates an object. You MUST call Initialize to initialize the port, before attempting any operations on the port. See also LVTTSClient::~LVTTSClient(Destructor)…

33 LVTTSClient::ReturnErrorString

Provides a textual description of an error code. Function static const char* ReturnErrorString(int error_code) Parameters error_code The error code for which you need a description. Return Values A null-terminated static string describing the error code.…

34 LVTTSClient::RewindBuffer

Reset the buffer read offset so that the next invocation of LVTTSCLient::GetSynthesizedAudioBuffer starts from the first sample in the buffer. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE RewindBuffer(void) Return Values LV_SUCCESS No errors; the buffer offset has been reset.…

35 LVTTSClient::SetClientPropertyEx

Set configuration properties for all LVTTSClient instances. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE SetClientPropertyEx( int property, int property_value_type, void *pvalue ) Parameters property One of several enumerated properties, described in TTS Client Properties.…

36 LVTTSClient::SetCustomCallGuid

This can optionally be called to set the ID string used in call logging. This may be useful if advanced call identification is needed. This is an optional, advanced function, which can be used to set the ID that will be associated with the call log file,…

37 LVTTSClient::SetPropertyEx

Set optional configuration properties for the associated LVTTSClient instance. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE SetPropertyEx(int property, int property_value_type, void *pvalue) Parameters property One of several enumerated properties, described in TTS Client…

38 LVTTSClient::Synthesize

Perform the text to speech synthesis operation for the given sentence or SSML text. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE Synthesize(const char * input_sentence, unsigned int flags) Parameters input_sentence Can be a simple sequence of words or sentences, or can be…

39 LVTTSClient::SynthesizeURL

Perform the text to speech synthesis operation for the given sentence or SSML text. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE Synthesize(const char * universal_resource_locator, unsigned int flags) Parameters universal_resource_locator URL containing a simple sequence…

40 LVTTSClient::WaitForSynthesis

Suspend the current thread until either a response for a previous non-blocking synthesis operation is available or the specified timeout period elapses. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE WaitForSynthesis(unsigned int timeout_ms) Parameters timeout_ms Duration (in…