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LVParseTree Inner Classes

1 LVParseTree::ChildrenIterator

LVParseTree::ChildrenIterator An LVParseTree::ChildrenIterator Object traverses the immediate children of a rule node, from left to right. You get a ChildrenIterator object from a Node by calling LVParseTree::Node::ChildrenBegin() and LVParseTree::Node::ChildrenEnd()…

2 LVParseTree::Iterator

LVParseTree::Iterator An LVParseTree::Iterator Object traverses a parse tree in a top-to-bottom, left-to-right fashion (sometimes called a pre-order or LL traversal) Use <LVSpeechPort.h> or <LV_SRE_ParseTree.h> Function Return Type Description…

3 LVParseTree::Node

An LVParseTree is made out of Node objects. Each node represents a word, rule, or tag that was seen by the engine as it decoded an utterance against the matching grammar. Use <LVSpeechPort.h> or <LV_SRE_ParseTree.h> Function Return Type Description…

4 LVParseTree::TagIterator

LVParseTree::TagIterator An LVParseTree::TagIterator object is an adaptation of the standard LVParseTree::Iterator. It only visits the nodes in a tree that are tags. You get a TagIterator by calling: LVParseTree::Node::TagsBegin() LVParseTree::Node::TagsEnd()…

5 LVParseTree::TerminalIterator

LVParseTree::TerminalIterator An LVParseTree::TerminalIterator object is an adaptation of the standard LVParseTree::Iterator. It only visits the nodes in a tree that are terminals. You get a TerminalIterator by calling: LVParseTree::Node::TerminalsBegin()…