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LVSemanticObject Class

1 LVSemanticObject C++ API Summary

LVSemanticObject represents a composite object. The user can get an LVSemanticObject by calling LVSemanticData::GetSemanticObject(). Functions Return Type Description LVSemanticObject() Constructor LVSemanticObject(const LVSemanticObject & other) Copy…

2 LVSemanticObject::LVSemanticObject

LVSemanticObject constructor. Function LVSemanticObject() LVSemanticObject(const LVSemanticObject& other) Parameters other The semantic object data object being copied. Example C++ Code // The first of these constructors creates an empty LVSemanticObject.…

3 LVSemanticObject::NumberOfProperties

If a semantic data handle is of type SI_TYPE_ARRAY this function returns the number of elements in this array. Otherwise, it returns LV_FAILURE. Function int NumberOfProperties() Return Values Non-negative value The number of elements in the object. LV_FAILURE…

4 LVSemanticObject::operator =

LVSemanticObject assignment operator. Function LVSemanticObject & operator = (const LVSemanticObject & other) Parameters other The semantic object data object being copied. See Also LVSemanticObject C++ API Summary

5 LVSemanticObject::operator []

Return a LVSemanticData object associated with the property name. If the property name doesn't exist, the return object will have type LV_TYPE_NULL. Function const LVSemanticData& operator [] (const char* PropertyId) const Parameters PropertyId Property…

6 LVSemanticObject::Print

Prints the content of the object in specified format. Function const char* Print(int format) const Parameters format The format type. Return Values Returns a string with the objects contents in the specified format. See Also LVSemanticObject C++ API Summary…

7 LVSemanticObject::PropertyExists

Checks if a property exists. Function bool PropertyExists(const char* PropertyId) const Parameters PropertyId A property name. Return Values Returns true if there exists a property of this object named PropertyId. See Also LVSemanticObject C++ API Summary…

8 LVSemanticObject::PropertyName

Returns the name of a property (member data) in this object at a particular Index. Function const char* PropertyName(int Index) const Parameters Index An index between 0 and (NumberOfProperties - 1) Return Values Non-NULL pointer A pointer to a buffer containing…

9 LVSemanticObject::PropertyValue

Returns a LVSemanticData object associated with the property name or index. Function const LVSemanticData& PropertyValue(const char* PropertyId) const const LVSemanticData& PropertyValue(int Index) const Parameters Index A number between 0 and (NumberOfProperties…

10 LVSemanticObject::~LVSemanticObject

LVSemanticObject::~LVSemanticObject LVSemanticObject destructor. Function ~LVSemanticObject() See Also LVSemanticObject C++ API Summary LVSemanticObject::LVSemanticObject