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81 LVSpeechPort::StreamSetStateChangeCallBack

LVSpeechPort::StreamSetStateChangeCallBack Specifies a call-back function for handling stream state changes. Function int StreamSetStateChangeCallBack(void* fn, void* UserData) Parameters fn Pointer to callback function to receive state change updates. See…

82 LVSpeechPort::StreamStart

Sets up a new stream so that audio can be sent to the ASR for decoding. Function int StreamStart(void) Parameters None. Return Values LV_SUCCESS No errors; stream set up correctly. LV_INVALID_HPORT The port is not valid (either CreateClient has not been called…

83 LVSpeechPort::StreamStartListening

Sets the port in a listening mode, allowing for data to be streamed via StreamSendData, but will not begin processing the audio until all registered grammars have started loading and have had their meta tags processed. Recommended over StreamStart; see Remarks,…

84 LVSpeechPort::StreamStop

Stops the stream and loads the sound channel with streamed data. Function int StreamStop(void) Parameters None. Return Values LV_SUCCESS No errors; stream stopped. LV_INVALID_HPORT The port is not valid (either CreateClient has not been called or DestroyClient…

85 LVSpeechPort::SwitchToNBestAlternative

After a decode operation, if multiple n-best alternatives are available, you can use this function to switch to a particular n-best alternative for later viewing by a result retrieval call like GetInterpretation. The default number of n-best alternatives…

86 LVSpeechPort::UnloadGlobalGrammar (Deprecated)

Removes a loaded grammar from the application level space of grammars. Function static int UnloadGlobalGrammar(const char* gram_name) Parameters gram_name The identifier for the grammar being unloaded. This is the same identifier you gave the grammar when…

87 LVSpeechPort::UnloadGrammar

Removes a loaded grammar from the speech port. Function int UnloadGrammar(const char* gram_name) Parameters gram_name A null-terminated string identifying for the grammar being unloaded. This is the same identifier you gave the grammar when you loaded it.…

88 LVSpeechPort::UnloadGrammars

Removes all loaded grammars from the speech port. Function int UnloadGrammars(void) Return Values LV_SUCCESS No errors; all grammars are removed. LV_INVALID_HPORT The port is not valid (either CreateClient has not been called or DestroyClient has been called…

89 LVSpeechPort::WaitForDecode

LVSpeechPort::WaitForDecode Blocks the client application until the decode is finished. Functions int WaitForDecode(int VoiceChannel) Parameters VoiceChannel Which voice channel to wait on. Setting VoiceChannel equal to -1 causes a wait on all the voice channels…

90 LVSpeechPort::WaitForEngineToIdle

Blocks the client application until the port is idle (not decoding or finished decoding), returning after a specified delay if the engine is still busy decoding. Functions int WaitForEngineToIdle(int MillisecondsToWait, int VoiceChannel) Parameters MillisecondsToWait…