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61 LVSpeechPort::LoadVoiceChannel

Loads audio data into a specified voice channel. Used prior to Decode (which decodes the audio data). Functions int LoadVoiceChannel(int VoiceChannel, void* M, int Length, SOUND_FORMAT Format) Parameters VoiceChannel Accepted values 0 through 63. M Pointer…

62 LVSpeechPort::LVSpeechPort (Constructor)

LVSpeechPort::LVSpeechPort (Constructor) Creates an instance of the LVSpeechPort class. Function LVSpeechPort(void) Remarks The constructor merely creates an object. You MUST call CreateClient to initialize the port, before attempting any operations on the…

63 LVSpeechPort::OpenPort (Deprecated)

LVSpeechPort::OpenPort (Deprecated) Acquires a required license and initializes the object for a subsequent speech recognition, answering machine detection, DTMF decode or grammar parse operation. The type of license that would be acquired depends on the…

64 LVSpeechPort::RegisterAppLogMsg

Registers an application level log message callback. Function static void RegisterAppLogMsg(ExportLogMsg log_callback, void* user_data, int verbosity) Parameters log_callback Pointer to a function which will receive logging information. user_data user_data…

65 LVSpeechPort::RegisterGrammarForPendingStream

Used with StreamStartListening to register an SRGS grammar for use with a stream before it has been loaded with LoadGrammar. This is useful in several contexts and required for some. See Remarks, below, for more details. Functions int RegisterGrammarForPendingStream(const…

66 LVSpeechPort::ReturnErrorString

Provides a textual description of an error code. Function static const char* ReturnErrorString(int error_code) Parameters error_code The error code for which you need a description. Return Values A null-terminated static string describing the error code.…

67 LVSpeechPort::ReturnGrammarErrorString

Returns a string that contains errors related to loading a specified grammar. Function const char* ReturnGrammarErrorString(const char* GrammarLabel) Parameters GrammarLabel The label of the grammar whose error string needs to be returned. Return Values Non-NULL…

68 LVSpeechPort::SetClientPropertyEx

Sets various properties for the entire client. Function static int SetClientPropertyEx(int property, int value_type, void* pvalue) Parameters property Which property to modify. See Speech Port Properties for list of properties. value_type The value type of…

69 LVSpeechPort::SetClientPropertyExPermanent

Sets configuration properties for the client application and marks the properties' changes as permanent (to eventually write the changes to config file by calling CommitClientPropertySettings). The function is similar to SetClientPropertyEx (called with PROP_EX_TARGET_CLIENT…

70 LVSpeechPort::SetCustomCallGuid

This function is used to set the ID used in callsre logging Function int SetCustomCallGuid(const char* CallGuid) Parameters CallGuid A pointer to value of the ID to give the callsre filename. Return Values LV_SUCCESS No errors; the given ID will be applied…