Rss Categories


21 LVSpeechPort::GetClientStringPropertyEx

Gets various client properties of type String used in initializing a new port. Function static int GetClientStringPropertyEx(int property, char* value_str, int value_len_bytes, int &actual_value_len) Parameters property Selects the property whose value…

22 LVSpeechPort::GetDecodeAcousticModel

Provides the name of the acoustic model that was used by the ASR engine during the decode operation. Function int GetDecodeAcousticModel(int VoiceChannel, char* ModelNameBuffer, int BufferSize) Parameters VoiceChannel The channel containing the decoded audio.…

23 LVSpeechPort::GetDecodeMS

Returns the time (in milliseconds) elapsed on the ASR server processing the decode task. Function int GetDecodeMS(int VoiceChannel) Parameters VoiceChannel The channel containing the decoded audio. Return Values Positive integer The time taken for the decode…

24 LVSpeechPort::GetFloatPropertyEx

LVSpeechPort::GetFloatPropertyEx Gets various properties of float type for a specific port or the client properties used in initializing a new port. Function int GetFloatPropertyEx(int property, int target, float &pvalue) Parameters property Selects the property…

25 LVSpeechPort::GetGrammarVocabSize

Provides the vocabulary size of the specified grammar. Function int GetGrammarVocabSize(const char* GrammarLabel) Parameters GrammarLabel The label of the grammar whose vocab size needs to be returned. Return Values Non-negative number No errors. LV_FAILURE…

26 LVSpeechPort::GetHPort

Returns a handle to the underlying speech port. Function HPORT GetHPort(void) Return Values A handle to the underlying speech port. Remarks The returned HPORT value can be used in any of the C API functions directly, although not recommended. Use caution…

27 LVSpeechPort::GetInterpretation

Returns an LVInterpretation object representing the results of the semantic interpretation process. Function LVInterpretation GetInterpretation(int voiceChannel, int index) Parameters voiceChannel The channel that the decode took place on. index An utterance…

28 LVSpeechPort::GetInterpretationData

Returns an LVSemanticData object representing the results of the semantic interpretation process. Function LVSemanticData GetInterpretationData(int VoiceChannel, int index) Parameters VoiceChannel The channel containing the decoded audio. index The index…

29 LVSpeechPort::GetInterpretationGrammarLabel

Provides the label of the grammar that was used by the ASR engine to produce the parse associated with a given interpretation. When a decode is performed with more than one active grammars, this API call helps identify the grammar that produced the parse…

30 LVSpeechPort::GetInterpretationInputString

Returns the input that was fed to the matching grammar to create the specified interpretation index. It may represent the speech that the ASR engine recognized, or a DTMF sequence. Function const char* GetInterpretationInputString(int VoiceChannel, int index)…