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API Functions

51 LV_SRE_IsValidSampaPhonemeString

Returns a positive number if the specified PhonemeString contains no invalid or unsupported SAMPA format phonemes in the context of the specified language See Remarks , below, for more details. Function int LV_SRE_IsValidSampaPhonemeString(const char * PhonemeString,…

52 LV_SRE_LoadGlobalGrammar (Deprecated)

Loads a grammar into the speech client process' global space. A grammar loaded this way is called a global grammar and is associated with the speech client process that loads it. All speech ports that are created in the client process have access to that…

53 LV_SRE_LoadGlobalGrammarFromBuffer (Deprecated)

Loads a grammar specified as a string buffer into the speech client process' global space. A grammar loaded this way is called a global grammar and is associated with the speech client process that loads it. All speech ports that are created in the client…

54 LV_SRE_LoadGlobalGrammarFromObject (Deprecated)

Loads a grammar identified by an HGRAMMAR handle into the speech client process' global space. A grammar loaded this way is called a global grammar and is associated with the speech client process that loads it. All speech ports that are created in the client…

55 LV_SRE_LoadGrammar

Loads an SRGS grammar into a speech port for later use in a decode, DTMF decode or interpret text operation. Loading a grammar is used to define a context for the decode, a filter for the words that will be spoken. The engine will look for the words described…

56 LV_SRE_LoadGrammarFromBuffer

Loads an SRGS grammar specified as a string buffer into a speech port for later use in a decode, DTMF decode or interpret text operation. Function int LV_SRE_LoadGrammarFromBuffer(HPORT hport, const char* gram_name, const char* gram_buffer) Parameters hport…

57 LV_SRE_LoadGrammarFromObject

Loads an SRGS grammar identified by an HGRAMMAR handle into a speech port for later use in a decode, DTMF decode or interpret text operation. Function int LV_SRE_LoadGrammarFromObject(HPORT hport, const char* gram_name, HGRAMMAR gram_handle) Parameters hport…

58 LV_SRE_LoadGrammarWithParameters

This function can be called to load an SRGS grammar into the ASR from a specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) along with an optional list of MRCP-style headers. This function serves to facilitate the loading of grammars when being passed grammar loading…

59 LV_SRE_LoadVoiceChannel

Loads audio data into a specified voice channel. Used prior to LV_SRE_Decode (which decodes the audio data). Functions int LV_SRE_LoadVoiceChannel(HPORT hport, int VoiceChannel, void* M, int Length, SOUND_FORMAT Format) Parameters hport The port's handle.…

60 LV_SRE_OpenPort (Deprecated)

LV_SRE_OpenPort (Deprecated) Acquires a required license and initializes a speech port client object for a subsequent speech recognition, answering machine detection, DTMF decode or grammar parse operation. The type of license that would be acquired depends…