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API Functions

21 LV_SRE_GetDecodeAcousticModel

Provides the name of the acoustic model that was used by the ASR engine during the decode operation. Function int LV_SRE_GetDecodeAcousticModel(HPORT hport, int VoiceChannel, char* ModelNameBuffer, int BufferSize) Parameters hport The port's handle. VoiceChannel…

22 LV_SRE_GetDecodeMS

Returns the time (in milliseconds) elapsed on the ASR server processing the decode task. Function int LV_SRE_GetDecodeMS(HPORT hport, int VoiceChannel) Parameters hport The port's handle. VoiceChannel The channel containing the decoded audio. Return Values…

23 LV_SRE_GetFloatPropertyEx

Gets various properties of float type for a specific port or the client properties used in initializing a new port. Function int LV_SRE_GetFloatPropertyEx(HPORT hport, int property, int target, float* pvalue) Parameters hport The port from which to get the…

24 LV_SRE_GetInterpretationData

Returns a handle to an object representing the semantic data generated from the semantic interpretation process associated with a given interpretation. When done with the obtained interpretation data, it must be released by calling LVSemanticData_Release.…

25 LV_SRE_GetInterpretationGrammarLabel

Provides the label of the grammar that was used by the ASR engine to produce the parse associated with a given interpretation. When a decode is performed with more than one active grammars, this API call helps identify the grammar that produced the parse…

26 LV_SRE_GetInterpretationInputString

Returns the input that was fed to the matching grammar to create the specified interpretation index. It may represent the speech that the ASR engine recognized, or a DTMF sequence. Function const char* LV_SRE_GetInterpretationInputString(HPORT hport, int…

27 LV_SRE_GetInterpretationLanguage

Returns the language identifier of the grammar that generated the specified interpretation index. Function const char * LV_SRE_GetInterpretationLanguage(HPORT hport, int VoiceChannel, int Index) Parameters hport The port's handle. VoiceChannel The channel…

28 LV_SRE_GetInterpretationMode

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationMode Returns the interaction mode that produced the interpretation. Function const char * LV_SRE_GetInterpretationMode(HPORT hport, int voicechannel, int index) Parameters hport The port's handle. voicechannel The channel containing…

29 LV_SRE_GetInterpretationPhonemes

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationPhonemes Returns the ASR engine's phonetic pronunciation for the string that you would get from a call to LV_SRE_GetInterpretationInputString with the same parameters. Function const char * LV_SRE_GetInterpretationPhonemes(HPORT hport,…

30 LV_SRE_GetInterpretationScore

Provides the user with the confidence score for a given interpretation from a prior call to LV_SRE_Decode. Function int LV_SRE_GetInterpretationScore(HPORT hport, int VoiceChannel, int Index); Parameters hport The port's handle obtained from a previous call…