Rss Categories


1 Base URI

Declaring a base URI in a grammar tells the grammar how to resolve relative path names in the grammar. If no base URI is present, they will be resolved relative to the location of the grammar file itself. Grammars loaded by buffer should have a base URI if…

2 Builtin Grammars

LumenVox provides the following built-in grammars expected by VoiceXML users: URI Sample Input Semantic Interpretation Result builtin:grammar/boolean "yes", "no thank you", etc. "true" or "false" builtin:grammar/date "january thirteenth" or "december first…

3 Interaction Mode

An interaction mode specifies the type of interaction the speech port is to having with a user. An interaction mode can be voice or DTMF. In a grammar, you specify whether the grammar will be used in a DTMF interaction, or a voice interaction. When grammars…

4 Language Identifier

A language identifier is part of the grammar header that specifies the language to be used when performing decodes. The format of the language identifier follows the convention set out by RFC 3066. In a nutshell, the identifier is a language and country pair,…

5 Meta data within grammars

An advanced option within SRGS grammars is the ability to add Meta Data to the document, which can be used to convey information about the document, rather than be part of the document data itself. LumenVox supports the use of certain meta data elements within…

6 Tag Format

In an SRGS grammar, you may place pieces of data called tags anywhere in a grammar rule. When a rule is matched, the tag is returned to the user in a parse tree, along with the words spoken that caused the rule to match. A common use for tags is to transform…

7 Tags

Tags are special tokens in a grammar that are automatically recognized whenever they are seen by the Speech Engine. They are usually filled with information useful to the author of the grammar, or to an application using a grammar. Tags may appear in the…

8 URIs and LumenVox

There are a variety of ways that LumenVox may take user-supplied URIs to point to external resources. These include: As the location of a grammar or SSML document to use for a recognition or synthesis (passed into the Media Server or the API). External grammars…