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Call Progress Analysis

1 Introduction to CPA Featured

Call Progress Analysis (CPA) is a module for the LumenVox Automatic Speech Recognizer that is used to detect whether the called party in an outbound call is a live person or a machine (e.g. voicemail or fax). It can be integrated into any application that…

2 API Integration with CPA

LumenVox CPA functionality was designed to be compatible with our generic LumenVox C/C++ APIs, so if you have previously built an application using one of our APIs, it should be relatively simple to add support for CPA (if you have never used our API, please…

3 CPA - Functional Overview

LumenVox CPA combines two discrete technologies into a single software module: Call Progress Analysis: using the advanced voice activity detection (VAD) algorithms employed by the LumenVox Automatic Speech Recognizer (ASR), LumenVox CPA is able to accurately…

4 CPA Example Applications

Introduced with 19.1 were two new sample applications for users, which are designed to explicitly demonstrate the features and capabilities of CPA and AMD These are the SimpleCPAClient_cpp, which is the C++ version of the example and also the SimpleCPAClient_c,…

5 CPA Technical Specifications

LumenVox' Call Progress Analysis software CPA Prediction Algorithm The CPA prediction mechanism differentiates between a residential customer, a business customer and answering machine message by using LumenVox' ASR capabilities as well as traditional time-based…

6 CPA Tuning

Tuning interactions is an important aspect of understanding and improving your application's performance. The same is true when working with Call Progress Analysis (CPA) The Speech Tuner is the perfect tool to help you get a much deeper understanding of how…


Added in 19.2.100 As part of a range of improvements and changes to CPA introduced in LumenVox version 19.1, a new setting CPA_MAX_TIME_FROM_CONNECT was added to make CPA more easily understood and utilized within applications requiring stricter timing limits.…

8 Customizing CPA and Tone Detection

There are a few custom settings that can be applied to both the Call Progress Analysis (CPA) and Answering Machine tone Detection (AMD) algorithms in order to change their behavior. These are controlled using special "CPA" and "AMD" grammars, which signal…

9 Grammars in CPA and AMD

Starting with version 19.1, we are recommending new grammars for use with Answering Machine Detection (AMD) and Call Progress Analysis (CPA) which coincide with various enhancements and other changes that have been made to the product. Also starting with…

10 Installing CPA

As CPA is a module of the LumenVox ASR, there is no individual CPA installation package to download. Instead, users must install the normal set of packages required by a LumenVox ASR installation (please see the Windows Installation or Linux Installation…

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