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Introduction to SSML

Reference Number: AA-01553 Views: 19958 0 Rating/ Voters

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) is used by software to provide rich control over Text to Speech (TTS) synthesis functionality.   This is often used in conjunction with applications that implement VXML and MRCP standards.

LumenVox supports SSML 1.0 to control pronunciation, tone and stress of the synthesized speech as defined in the published specification document, with some minor exceptions, which are described within the documentation. Readers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the indicated specification documentation for a fuller description of the use of SSML, and only rely on the documentation here as an integration guide.

Users may include speech markup between <audio>, <choice>, <enumerate> and <prompt> tags of VoiceXML2.0.

VoiceXML1.0 used Java API Speech Markup Language (JSML) such as <emp>, <div>, <pros> or <sayas>, but has been replaced by SSML in VoiceXML2.0.

This knowledgebase includes explanations and examples of SSML functionality that LumenVox supports. See SSML Elements for a description of supported elements