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Reference Number: AA-00986 Views: 10217 0 Rating/ Voters

Query the ID used in call logging. It can be used inconjunction with LV_TTS_SetCustomCallGuid to link events across ASR ports and TTS ports to the same call log.

This is an optional, advanced function, which can be used to get the ID that will be associated with the call log file, if needed. Note that in most cases, users will not need to access this information directly, but this routine is provided for advanced functionality if desired. One such advanced use of setting this value would be to assign the MRCP or call session ID to files generated by ASR and TTS portions of a call. If the ID is not set using LV_TTS_SetCustomCallGuid, a default unique identifier will automatically be assigned.

To further clarify this advanced functionality, if a user assigned the same custom call_guid to both ASR and TTS portions of a call (one for the ASR port, and again for the TTS port associated with the call) then all ASR and TTS events would be logged to the same call log file, which may be convenient for tracking and analysis purposes.

One additional reason for calling this would be if there is some external reference identifier, associated with some external application or platform, this can be used to associate the call log file to that external reference in a convenient way.


  • LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE LV_TTS_GetCallGuid(HTTSCLIENT client_handle, char * call_guid, int call_guid_length);



Handle to the TTS client object.


Pointer to an empty buffer to be populated with the current guid used in call logging.


Maximum length of data that may be written to call_guid.

Return Values


No errors.


The input TTS client handle is not a valid one.


The input call_guid is not valid.


An exception occurred while processing the request.


If no call guid exists at the time of invocation of this function, it simply returns an empty string.

See Also