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LVGrammar C API Summary

Reference Number: AA-00831 Views: 8810 0 Rating/ Voters

The LVGrammar API allows you to manipulate a context-free grammar object that can be used in the engine to recognize speech. The primary usage of this API was for concept phrase grammars, however, concept phrase grammars were deprecated in 10.0. Hence, this API has limited use currently and is going to be deprecated in the next release.

Use <LV_SRE_Grammar.h>

to access these functions.
Return Type Function Description
HGRAMMAR LVGrammar_Create() Constructs an grammar object.
HGRAMMAR LVGrammar_CreateFromCopy
Constructs an grammar object by copying an existing one.
void LVGrammar_Copy
Copy object pointed by other to the object pointed by Grammar.
void LVGrammar_Release
(HGRAMMAR Grammar)
Destroys the grammar object.
int LVGrammar_Reset
(HGRAMMAR Grammar)
Reset a grammar object.
void LVGrammar_RegisterLoggingCallback
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, GrammarLogCB Log, void* UserData)
Registers a callback so the object can report warnings and errors to the grammar author.
int LVGrammar_LoadGrammar
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* uri)
Loads a grammar from a location specified by the "uri" argument.
int LVGrammar_LoadGrammarFromBuffer
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* buffer)
Loads a grammar from a null terminated string containing the contents of the grammar.
int LVGrammar_AddRule
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* left_hand_side, const char* right_hand_side)
Deprecated. Inserts a new rule into the grammar.
int LVGrammar_RemoveRule
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* left_hand_side)
Deprecated. Removes a rule from the grammar.
int LVGrammar_SetRoot
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* root)
Deprecated. Sets a starting rule for the grammar.
void LVGrammar_SetMode
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* mode)
Deprecated. Declare the mode of grammar (the style of decode to be processed). Legal arguments are "voice" or "dtmf".
const char* LVGrammar_GetMode
(GRAMMAR Grammar)
Retrieve the mode of the grammar.
void LVGrammar_SetLanguage
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* language)
Deprecated. Specify the language of this grammar as a language/country code pair. ( legal code pairs)
const char* LVGrammar_GetLanguage
(HGRAMMAR Grammar)
Retrieve the language setting of the grammar.
int LVGrammar_SetTagFormat
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* tag_format)
Deprecated. Identify the tag format of the grammar. To use the LumenVox semantic interpretation, the tag format must be "lumenvox/1.0" or "semantics/1.0".
const char* LVGrammar_GetTagFormat (HGRAMMAR Grammar) Retrieve the tag format of the grammar.
int LVGrammar_GetNumberOfMetaData
(HGRAMMAR Grammar)
Retrieve number of meta data in the grammar
int LVGrammar_GetMetaDataKey
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, int index)
Returns the key of the meta data indicated by the index.
const char* LVGrammar_GetMetaDataValue
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, int index)
Returns the value of the meta data indicated by the index.
int LVGrammar_ParseSentence
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, const char* sentence)
Use the grammar to parse a sentence.
int LVGrammar_GetNumberOfParses
(HGRAMMAR Grammar)
Returns the number of parses created by the most recent LVGrammar_ParseSentence call.
H_PARSE_TREE LVGrammar_CreateParseTree
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, int index)
Returns the parse tree handle indicated by the index.
int LVGrammar_InterpretParses
(HGRAMMAR Grammar)
Generate interpretations form parses trees created by the most recent LVGrammar_ParseSentence call.
int LVGrammar_GetNumberOfInterpretations
(HGRAMMAR Grammar)
Returns the number of interpretations created by the most recent LVGrammar_InterpretParses call.
H_SI LVGrammar_CreateInterpretation
(HGRAMMAR Grammar, int index)
Returns the semantic interpretation handle indicated by the index