LV_SRE_UnloadGlobalGrammar (Deprecated)
Reference Number: AA-00737 Views: 7588 |
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Removes a loaded grammar from the application level space of grammars.
- int LV_SRE_UnloadGlobalGrammar(const char* gram_name)
The identifier for the grammar being unloaded. This is the same identifier you gave the grammar when you loaded it.
Return Values
No errors; this grammar is removed.
The grammar identified by gram_name was not present. Nothing was removed.
An exception occurred while processing the request.
NOTE: As of LumenVox version 12.1, the use of "Global" grammars, and related functions has been deprecated. There is no longer any benefit from using global grammars (assigned at the application level) due to the advanced grammar caching mechanism that has been in place for some time. Users should adopt the use of port-assigned grammar functions (basically consisting of the same name, but without the 'Grammar' portion)
See Also