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LV_SRE Summary

Reference Number: AA-00610 Views: 12343 0 Rating/ Voters

The following "C" API is exported from the LVSpeechPort dll.  For C++ programmers, these functions are wrapped in class LVSpeechPort.    

Port Management Functions

LV_SRE_Startup Initializes the client application.

LV_SRE_Shutdown Gracefully shuts down the threads related to the client application and performs house keeping such as flushing logs.

LV_SRE_CreateClient Opens the speech port and initializes the Speech Engine.

LV_SRE_OpenPort  Deprecated - see LV_SRE_CreateClient

LV_SRE_OpenPort2 Deprecated - see LV_SRE_CreateClient

LV_SRE_DestroyClient Closes the port, and releases its resources.

LV_SRE_ClosePort Deprecated - see LV_SRE_DestroyClient

LV_SRE_Decode Processes the voice channel audio data against the active grammar.

LV_SRE_InterpretText Returns the evaluated semantic interpretation of the specified text without performing an actual decode

LV_SRE_DTMFDecode Returns the evaluated semantic interpretation of the specified DTMF digit string without performing an actual decode

LV_SRE_GetVoiceChannelData Deprecated.

LV_SRE_LoadVoiceChannel Loads the audio data into the specified voice channel prior to a call to Decode (which decodes the audio data).

LV_SRE_RegisterAppLogMsg Registers an application level log message callback.

LV_SRE_ReturnErrorString Returns a description of an error code.

LV_SRE_GetLastDecodeError Provides the last decode error on a specific voice channel.

LV_SRE_SetPropertyEx Sets various properties on various scopes.

LV_SRE_GetStringPropertyEx Gets various properties of string type for a specific port or the client properties used in initializing a new port.

LV_SRE_GetIntPropertyEx Gets various properties of integer type for a specific port or the client properties used in initializing a new port.

LV_SRE_GetFloatPropertyEx Gets various properties of float type for a specific port or the client properties used in initializing a new port.

LV_SRE_WaitForEngineToIdle Blocks the client application until the port is idle (not decoding).

LV_SRE_WaitForDecode Blocks the client application until the decode is finished.

LV_SRE_SetCustomCallGuid Sets the identifier string used in the current call log file.

LV_SRE_GetAvailableLicensesCount Provides the sum of the number of licenses currently available on all connected license servers.

Advanced Port Management Functions:

LV_SRE_SetClientPropertyExPermanent Sets configuration properties for the client application and marks the properties' changes as permanent 

LV_SRE_CommitClientPropertySettings Writes out changes to the configuration file on disk after LV_SRE_SetClientPropertiesExPermanent has been called.

LV_SRE_IsServerAvailable Check if any of the assigned ASR servers (either set in client_property.conf or as set for PROP_EX_SRE_SERVERS) are reachable.

LV_SRE_AddEvent Adds specified events to call log files

LV_SRE_AddEventEx Adds specified events to call log files

LV_SRE_AddFieldToRequest Adds a custom string to a named field in the call log file.

LV_SRE_ClearAllFieldsToRequest Clears all custom fields added to the request via LV_SRE_AddFieldToRequest.

LV_SRE_GetAvailableLanguageCount Returns the number languages available on the ASR server.

LV_SRE_GetAvailableLanguageIndex Provides the language identifier string of an available language on the ASR server.

LV_SRE_GetCallGuid Returns the string identifier assigned to the current call log file.

LV_SRE_GetLogFileName Provides the call log filename where events related to the last decode on the specified voice channel are stored.

LV_SRE_GetPhoneticPronunciation Returns the ASR Engine's phonetic pronunciation for a list of words as a list of raw phonemes.

LV_SRE_GetPhoneticPronunciationCount Returns the number of different pronunciations the ASR Engine has for a given list of space separated words in a specified language.

LV_SRE_GetSampaToLumenVoxConversion Returns the SAMPA to LumenVox format phonetic conversion of the specified string.

LV_SRE_GetLumenVoxToSampaConversion Returns the LumenVox to SAMPA format phonetic conversion of the specified string.

LV_SRE_IsValidLumenVoxPhonemeString Returns a positive number of the specified LumenVox format phoneme string is valid.

LV_SRE_IsValidSampaPhonemeString Returns a positive number of the specified SAMPA format phoneme string is valid.

Streaming API Functions

LV_SRE_StreamStart Sets up a new stream.

LV_SRE_StreamStartListening Allows streaming before all stream parameters are set.

LV_SRE_StreamSendData Send data buffer of sound data to stream.

LV_SRE_StreamGetStatus Returns status of stream.

LV_SRE_StreamGetLength Returns length of sound data in stream buffer.

LV_SRE_StreamSetStateChangeCallBack Set up a call back to receive state change notification of a stream.

LV_SRE_StreamStop Stops stream and loads sound channel with streamed data.

LV_SRE_StreamCancel Stops stream, sound data is discarded.

LV_SRE_StreamSetParameter Sets a new value for a stream property.

LV_SRE_StreamGetParameter Gets the current value of a stream property.

LV_SRE_StreamSetParameterToDefault Sets a stream property to its default value.

SRGS Grammar Functions

LV_SRE_LoadGrammar Loads an SRGS grammar into the speech port

LV_SRE_LoadGrammarFromBuffer Loads an SRGS grammar specified as a string buffer into the speech port

LV_SRE_LoadGrammarFromObject Loads an SRGS grammar from an LVGrammar object into the speech port

LV_SRE_LoadGrammarWithParameters Loads an SRGS grammar from a specified URI with an optional list of MRCP or HTTP-style headers

LV_SRE_LoadGlobalGrammar   Deprecated - use LV_SRE_LoadGrammar instead.

LV_SRE_LoadGlobalGrammarFromBuffer   Deprecated - use LV_SRE_LoadGrammarFromBuffer instead.

LV_SRE_LoadGlobalGrammarFromObject   Deprecated - use LV_SRE_LoadGrammarFromObject instead.

LV_SRE_RegisterGrammarForPendingStream Registers an SRGS grammar for use with a stream before it has been loaded with one of the LoadGrammar functions

LV_SRE_UnloadGrammar Unloads a grammar from the speech port.

LV_SRE_UnloadGrammars Unloads all grammars from the speech port.

LV_SRE_UnloadGlobalGrammar   Deprecated - use LV_SRE_UnloadGrammar instead.

LV_SRE_IsGrammarLoaded Checks if a grammar has already been compiled and loaded into port.

LV_SRE_ActivateGrammar Activates an SRGS grammar for decoding

LV_SRE_ActivateGlobalGrammar   Deprecated - use LV_SRE_ActivateGrammar instead.

LV_SRE_DeactivateGrammar Removes a grammar from the active grammar set.

LV_SRE_DeactivateGrammars Clears the active grammar set.

LV_SRE_ReturnGrammarErrorString Returns a string that contains errors related to loading a specified grammar.

LV_SRE_ReturnGrammarVocabSize Returns the vocabulary size of the specified grammar

LV_SRE_ReturnGrammarNumWarnings Returns the number of warnings encountered during a load of the specified grammar (if any) 

LV_SRE_ReturnGrammarFirstWarningStringLength Returns the length of the first warning string associated with the specified grammar (if any) 

LV_SRE_ReturnGrammarFirstWarningString Returns the first warning string associated with the specified grammar (if any) in the specified string, up to a maximum length specified 

SRGS Result Functions

LV_SRE_GetNumberOfParses Returns the number of parses generated by the decode, according to the active grammars.

LV_SRE_GetParseTreeString Returns a string representation of the parse tree.

LV_SRE_CreateParseTree Returns a handle to a speech parse tree, representing the sentence structure of what was decoded by the Speech Engine, according to the active grammars.

LV_SRE_GetNumberOfInterpretations Returns the number of interpretations generated by the decode + semantic interpretation process.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationString Returns an XML snippet representation of the interpretation result.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationScore Returns the confidence score for a given interpretation from a prior call to LV_SRE_Decode.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationGrammarLabel Provides the label of the grammar that was used by the ASR engine to produce the parse associated with a given interpretation.

LV_SRE_CreateInterpretation Returns a handle to a data structure representing the results of the semantic interpretation process.

Advanced Result Functions:

LV_SRE_GetDecodeAcousticModel Provides the name of the acoustic model that was used by the ASR engine during the decode operation.

LV_SRE_GetDecodeMS Returns the time (in milliseconds) elapsed on the ASR server processing the decode task.

LV_SRE_GetTotalDecodeMS Returns the overall time (in milliseconds) taken for a decode operation, from the time the decode request was sent to the ASR server to the time the results were received and processed.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationData Returns a handle to an object representing the semantic data generated from the semantic interpretation process associated with a given interpretation.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationInputString Returns the input that was fed to the matching grammar to create the specified interpretation index.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationLanguage Returns the language identifier of the grammar that generated the specified interpretation index.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationMode Returns the interaction mode that produced the specified interpretation index.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationPhonemes Returns the ASR engine's phonetic pronunciation for the string that you would get from a call to LV_SRE_GetInterpretationInputString with the same parameters.

LV_SRE_GetInterpretationTopLevelRule Provides the name of the root rule of the grammar that was used by the ASR engine to produce the parse associated with a given interpretation.

N-Best Result Functions

LV_SRE_GetNumberOfNBestAlternatives Returns number of n-best alternatives found by the engine.

LV_SRE_SwitchToNBestAlternative Set the n-best alternative that is viewable.


Error Codes Error codes returned by methods.

Sound Formats Sound data format constants.