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Callback Functions

1 Grammar Logging Callback Function

The callback function is called by the LVGrammar interface when an error or warning is generated during the processing of a grammar. typedef void (*GrammarLogCB)(const char* message, int error_level, void* user_data) Parameterserror_level The types of errors…

2 Logging Callback Function

The callback function is called by the speech port library with informational and error messages. It is set up in a call to LV_SRE_CreateClient or LVSpeechPort::CreateClient for port-level logging; and in a call to LV_SRE_RegisterAppLogMsg or LVSpeechPort::RegisterAppLogMsg…

3 Streaming Callback Function

The callback function is called by the speech port each time there is a change in the stream status. Primarily this is used with streams performing barge-in detection and/or end-of-speech detection to notify the host application to stop playing a prompt (on…