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API Functions

21 LV_TTS_GetSynthesizedAudioFormat

Returns the sound format of the synthesized audio from the last call to LV_TTS_Synthesize. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE LV_TTS_GetSynthesizedAudioFormat(HTTSCLIENT client_handle, int * audio_format); Parameters client_handle Handle to the active TTS client…

22 LV_TTS_GetSynthesizedAudioSampleRate

Returns the sample rate (in Hz) of the synthesized audio from the last call to LV_TTS_Synthesize. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE LV_TTS_GetSynthesizedAudioSampleRate(HTTSCLIENT client_handle, int * sample_rate); Parameters client_handle Handle to the TTS client…

23 LV_TTS_GetVisemeName

Returns the name of the specified viseme as a character string. Visemes represent facial expressions related to the pronunciation of certain phonemes. This information can be used to align visual cues to audio playback. This may be useful in applications…

24 LV_TTS_GetVisemeOffsetInBuffer

Returns the offset, in bytes, to the beginning of the specified viseme in the synthesized audio buffer. The offset provided is relative to the start of the buffer. Documentation is available to convert buffer offset to milliseconds. Visemes represent facial…

25 LV_TTS_GetVisemesCount

Returns the number of text-to-speech visemes available in the active synthesis result. Visemes represent facial expressions related to the pronunciation of certain phonemes. This information can be used to align visual cues to audio playback. This may be…

26 LV_TTS_IsServerAvailable

Returns a value based on whether there are any connected TTS servers available. Note that one or more TTS servers can be specified within the client_property.conf settings. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE LV_TTS_IsServerAvailable(void); Return Values 1 At least…

27 LV_TTS_JumpToSSMLMark

Move the buffer offset to the beginning of the specified SSML mark so that the next call to LV_TTS_GetSynthesizedAudioBuffer returns samples starting at that offset. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE LV_TTS_JumpToSSMLMark(HTTSCLIENT client_handle, unsigned int…

28 LV_TTS_ReturnErrorString

Provides a textual description of an error code. Function const char * LV_TTS_ReturnErrorString(int error_code); Parameters error_code The error code for which you need a description. Return Values A null-terminated static string describing the error code.…

29 LV_TTS_RewindBuffer

Reset the buffer read offset so that the next invocation of LV_TTS_GetSynthesizedAudioBuffer starts from the first sample in the buffer. Function LV_TTS_RETURN_CODE LV_TTS_RewindBuffer(HTTSCLIENT client_handle); Parameters client_handle Handle to the active…

30 LV_TTS_SetCustomCallGuid

This can optionally be called to set the ID string used in call logging. This may be useful if advanced call identification is needed. This is an optional, advanced function, which can be used to set the ID that will be associated with the call log file,…