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API Functions

1 Creating, Copying, and Releasing a LVParseTree Handle

LVParseTree objects are fully copyable and assignable. Functions H_PARSE_TREE LVParseTree_Create() H_PARSE_TREE LVParseTree_CreateFromCopy(H_PARSE_TREE Other) void LVParseTree_Copy(H_PARSE_TREE Tree, H_PARSE_TREE Other) void LVParseTree_Release(H_PARSE_TREE…

2 LVParseTree_CreateIteratorBegin and LVParseTree_CreateIteratorEnd

LVParseTree_CreateIteratorBegin and LVParseTree_CreateIteratorEnd provide iterators for visiting every node in the tree in a top-to-bottom, left-to-right descent. It is also the basis for the Tag and Terminal iterators. Functions H_PARSE_TREE_ITR LVParseTree_CreateIteratorBegin(H_PARSE_TREE…

3 LVParseTree_CreateTagIteratorBegin and LVParseTree_CreateTagIteratorEnd

LVParseTree_CreateTagIteratorBegin and LVParseTree_CreateTagIteratorEnd provide iterators for visiting the tags in the tree's body. Functions H_PARSE_TREE_TAG_ITR LVParseTree_CreateTagIteratorBegin(H_PARSE_TREE Tree) H_PARSE_TREE_TAG_ITR LVParseTree_CreateTagIteratorEnd(H_PARSE_TREE…

4 LVParseTree_CreateTerminalIteratorBegin and LVParseTree_CreateTerminalIteratorEnd

LVParseTree_CreateTerminalIteratorBegin and LVParseTree_CreateTerminalIteratorEnd provide access to the "terminals" of the tree. Terminals are the words and phrases in your grammar, so a TerminalIterator gives you access the the exact words the speech engine…

5 LVParseTree_GetGrammarLabel

Returns the name of the grammar that generated this tree. Functions const char* LVParseTree_GrammarLabel (H_PARSE_TREE Tree) Parameter Tree Handle to a parse tree. Remarks LVParseTree_GetGrammarLabel( ) will always return the name of one of the grammars you…

6 LVParseTree_GetLanguage

Returns the language identifier of the grammar that generated this tree. Functions const char* LVParseTree_GetLanguage(H_PARSE_TREE Tree) Parameter Tree Handle to a parse tree. Remarks This function will always return an RFC 3066 language identifier, such…

7 LVParseTree_GetMode

Returns the interaction mode that created the tree. Functions const char* LVParseTree_GetMode(H_PARSE_TREE Tree) Parameter Tree Handle to a parse tree. Returns "voice" or "dtmf" See Also LVParseTree::Mode (C++ API)

8 LVParseTree_GetRoot

Gets the root parse tree node. Functions H_PARSE_TREE_NODE LVParseTree_GetRoot(H_PARSE_TREE Tree); Parameter Tree Handle to a parse tree. Returns An H_PARSE_TREE_NODE handle representing the toplevel rule of the matching grammar. Remarks This node will always…

9 LVParseTree_GetTagFormat

Returns the name of the tag format declared in the matching grammar for this tree. Function const char* LVParseTree_GetTagFormat(H_PARSE_TREE Tree) Parameter Tree Handle to a parse tree. See Also LVParseTree::TagFormat (C++ API)