Rss Categories


41 LVSpeechPort::GetNumberOfNBestAlternatives

Returns the number of n-best alternatives found by the engine. Function int GetNumberOfNBestAlternatives(int VoiceChannel) Parameters VoiceChannel The channel containing the decoded audio. Return Values Non-negative number The actual number of n-best alternatives…

42 LVSpeechPort::GetNumberOfParses

Returns the number of parse trees that were generated by the engine. Function int GetNumberOfParses(int VoiceChannel) Parameters VoiceChannel The audio channel holding the decoded audio. Return Values Non-negative number The actual number of parses generated.…

43 LVSpeechPort::GetOpenPortStatus

Returns an integer indicating the result of calling CreateClient on the speech port. If a CreateClient call fails, this method gives further detail about the cause for the failure. Function int GetOpenPortStatus(void) Return Values LV_SUCCESS The port opened…

44 LVSpeechPort::GetParseTree

Returns a handle to a speech parse tree, representing the sentence structure of what was decoded by the Speech Engine, according to the active grammars. Function LVParseTree GetParseTree(int VoiceChannel, int index) Parameters VoiceChannel The audio channel…

45 LVSpeechPort::GetParseTreeString

Provides a string representation of a speech parse tree. Function const char* GetParseTreeString(int VoiceChannel, int index) Parameters VoiceChannel The audio channel containing the input audio index It is possible to have more than one parse tree possibility…

46 LVSpeechPort::GetPhoneticPronunciation

Returns the ASR Engine's phonetic pronunciation for a list of words as a list of raw phonemes. Function static int GetPhoneticPronunciation(const char* words, const char* lang, int idx, char* pronunication, int len) Parameters words A list of one or more…

47 LVSpeechPort::GetPhoneticPronunciationCount

Returns the number of different pronunciations the ASR Engine has for a given list of space separated words in a given language. Function static int GetPhoneticPronunciationCount(const char* words, const char* lang) Parameters words A list of one or more…

48 LVSpeechPort::GetStringPropertyEx

Gets various properties of string type for a specific port or the client properties used in initializing a new port. Function int GetStringPropertyEx(int property, int target, char* value_str, int value_len_bytes, int* actual_value_len) Parameters property…

49 LVSpeechPort::GetTotalDecodeMS

Returns the overall time (in milliseconds) taken for a decode operation, from the time the decode request was sent to the ASR server to the time the results were received and processed. Function int GetTotalDecodeMS(int VoiceChannel) Parameters VoiceChannel…

50 LVSpeechPort::GetVoiceChannelData (deprecated)

NOTE: This functionality was deprecated as of LumenVox version 12.0 (November 2013), and should no longer be used. Sets the pointer to the voice channel's copy of the original preprocessed audio data. Function int GetVoiceChannelData( int VoiceChannel, short**…