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API Functions

81 LV_SRE_StreamSetStateChangeCallBack

LV_SRE_StreamSetStateChangeCallBack Specifies a call-back function for handling stream state changes. Function int LV_SRE_StreamSetStateChangeCallBack(HPORT hport, void* fn, void* UserData) Parameters hport The port's handle. fn Pointer to callback function…

82 LV_SRE_StreamStart

LV_SRE_StreamStart Sets up a new stream so that audio can be sent to the ASR for decoding. Function int LV_SRE_StreamStart(HPORT hport) Parameters hport The port's handle. Return Values LV_SUCCESS No errors; stream set up correctly. LV_INVALID_HPORT The input…

83 LV_SRE_StreamStartListening

Sets the port in a listening mode, allowing for data to be streamed via LV_SRE_StreamSendData, but will not begin processing the audio until all registered grammars have started loading and have had their meta tags processed. Recommended over LV_SRE_StreamStart;…

84 LV_SRE_StreamStop

Stops the stream and loads the sound channel with streamed data. Function int LV_SRE_StreamStop(HPORT hport) Parameters hport The port's handle. Return Values LV_SUCCESS No errors; stream stopped correctly. LV_INVALID_HPORT The input hport is not a valid…

85 LV_SRE_SwitchToNBestAlternative

After a decode operation, if multiple n-best alternatives are available, you can use this function to switch to a particular n-best alternative for later viewing by a result retrieval call like LV_SRE_CreateInterpretation. The default number of n-best alternatives…

86 LV_SRE_UnloadGlobalGrammar (Deprecated)

Removes a loaded grammar from the application level space of grammars. Function int LV_SRE_UnloadGlobalGrammar(const char* gram_name) Parameters gram_name The identifier for the grammar being unloaded. This is the same identifier you gave the grammar when…

87 LV_SRE_UnloadGrammar

Removes a loaded grammar from a speech port. Function int LV_SRE_UnloadGrammar(HPORT hport, const char* gram_name) Parameters hport The handle for the speech port which holds the grammar you want to unload. gram_name A null-terminated string identifying for…

88 LV_SRE_UnloadGrammars

Removes all loaded grammars from a speech port. Function int LV_SRE_UnloadGrammars(HPORT hport) Parameters hport The handle for the speech port which holds the grammars you want to unload. Return Values LV_SUCCESS No errors; all grammars are removed. LV_INVALID_HPORT…

89 LV_SRE_WaitForDecode

Blocks the client application until the decode is finished. Functions int LV_SRE_WaitForDecode(HPORT hport, int VoiceChannel) Parameters hport The port's handle. VoiceChannel Which voice channel to wait on. Setting VoiceChannel equal to -1 causes a wait on…

90 LV_SRE_WaitForEngineToIdle

Blocks the client application until the port is idle (not decoding or finished decoding), returning after a specified delay if the engine is still busy decoding. Functions int LV_SRE_WaitForEngineToIdle(HPORT hport, int MillisecondsToWait, int VoiceChannel)…