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API Functions

41 LV_SRE_GetPhoneticPronunciation

Returns the ASR Engine's phonetic pronunciation for a list of words as a list of raw phonemes. Function int LV_SRE_GetPhoneticPronunciation(const char* Words, const char* Language, int Index, char* PronunicationBuffer, int BufferLength) Parameters Words A…

42 LV_SRE_GetPhoneticPronunciationCount

Returns the number of different pronunciations the ASR Engine has for a given list of space separated words in a specified language. Function int LV_SRE_GetPhoneticPronunciationCount(const char* Words, const char* Language) Parameters Words A list of one…

43 LV_SRE_GetSampaToLumenVoxConversion

Returns the SAMPA to LumenVox (CMU) phonetic conversion of the specified SampaString. Result stored in ConvertedString will be less than ConvertedStringLength bytes. Any conversion errors will be contained in ErrorString, which will be less than ErrorStringLength…

44 LV_SRE_GetStringPropertyEx

Gets various properties of string type for a specific port or the client properties used in initializing a new port. Function int LV_SRE_GetStringPropertyEx(HPORT hport, int property, int target, char* value_str, int value_len_bytes, int* actual_value_len)…

45 LV_SRE_GetTotalDecodeMS

Returns the overall time (in milliseconds) taken for a decode operation, from the time the decode request was sent to the ASR server to the time the results were received and processed. Function int LV_SRE_GetTotalDecodeMS(HPORT hport, int VoiceChannel) Parameters…

46 LV_SRE_GetVoiceChannelData (deprecated)

NOTE: This functionality was deprecated as of LumenVox version 12.0 (November 2013), and should no longer be used. Sets the pointer to the voice channel's copy of the original preprocessed audio data. Function int LV_SRE_GetVoiceChannelData(HPORT hport, int…

47 LV_SRE_InterpretText

This function passes a string through an active voice grammar and provides a semantic interpretation. Instead of performing speech recognition on actual audio, this function is used only to evaluate the semantic interpretation of text strings against grammars.…

48 LV_SRE_IsGrammarLoaded

LV_SRE_IsGrammarLoaded Check if a grammar has already been loaded. Function int LV_SRE_IsGrammarLoaded(HPORT hport, const char* gram_name) Parameters hport The port's handle. gram_name The identifier for the grammar being queried. This is the same identifier…

49 LV_SRE_IsServerAvailable

LV_SRE_IsServerAvailable Check if any of the listed ASR servers (either set in client_property.conf or as set for PROP_EX_SRE_SERVERS) are reachable on the specified ports. Function int LV_SRE_IsServerAvailable(void) Return Values 1 Indicates that at least…

50 LV_SRE_IsValidLumenVoxPhonemeString

Returns a positive number if the specified PhonemeString contains no invalid or unsupported LumenVox (CMU) format phonemes in the context of the specified language See Remarks , below, for more details. Function int LV_SRE_IsValidLumenVoxPhonemeString(const…