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Grammar Problems

1 No-Match results due to SI problems

Occasionally, we encounter problems where a grammar being used does not give expected results. There are often a number of reasons for these sorts of problems, but one obscure problem is worth noting, since it can be difficult to identify, but relatively…

2 Problems Fetching Grammars

The LumenVox products, including the LumenVox Media Server, can fetch grammars hosted on a local filesystem or across a network, using URIs (such as file:// or http://). LumenVox generally recommends that grammars be served over HTTP by application/web servers,…

3 Problems Loading or Using Grammars

The Grammar Editor in the LumenVox Speech Tuner is an invaluable tool for troubleshooting problems loading or compiling grammars. Attempting to parse an input against a grammar in the Grammar Editor will provide information about syntax errors, often providing…

4 Tomcat cipher problems

We encountered an odd problem with a customer, which took some time to get to the bottom of, so we wanted to create this article for any other customers that run into similar problems. The symptoms of the problem that were encountered included reports of…

5 Unexpected [object clsGeneral] in SI

We sometimes see customers running into problems where they report something like [object clsGeneral] appearing in the results from a decode. When performing ASR decodes using either the SpeechPort directly (using our C or C++ APIs) or using our Media Server,…